Saturday, September 3, 2022

Sunflower Sheriffs, Hamtaro & Bijou

Howdy folks! August is over, and with it the final wisps of winter are beginning to fade in my memory. Or, they would, if it wasn't actually very nice and cool right now XD But the point is September is here! The season that makes me feel like we can't POSSIBLY be so far into the year already, and simultaneously makes me feel like Christmas will be next week. It's confusing, but despite all the contradictions I feel in my soul, September is my favorite month. And also the most nostalgic.

Anyway! Even after all these months my Hamtaro obsession still hasn't been satisfied, so you're getting some more hamsters this week.

  What started as one shenanigan sketch of Bijou holding a sword turned into two pictures that I'm honestly pretty happy about! And I also learnt how juttes work. That was an interesting bonus.
Also trees! I've started downloading more materials to help me in CPS, and I'm very happy how much time I saved downloading a maple leaf brush. (Literally hours of work and tears spared.)
It may be less authentic, but I am still happy with the result.

Also the colors are nice. :)


  1. Hi, Applestorm! I’m glad to see you’re still blogging. I’ve said this many times already but not in a long time, so I’m saying it again: I really like your art and think it’s improved since the last time I’ve seen it.

    By the way, I’m Shan/Cutepups (or whatever nickname I was using). I haven’t checked anything Blogger/Blogspot in several months. I’m having trouble commenting while signed into my Google account connected with this blog stuff for some reason (not sure why lol), so that’s why I’m Anonymous. I really did miss visiting your blog and having conversations in the comments with you. It’s been way too long!

    ~ Shan (or whatever nickname I’ve been using lol)

    1. SHAN! MY FELLOW BLOGGING MATE!!! It is seriously great to hear from you again! WHEW, you disappeared for a long hot minute and I wasn't sure what happened to you, but I am glad you've come back to touch base again! <3
      Haha, and thanks! I reckon I have been improving a lot these last few months... years... ages. XD Still learning a lot, but I've definitely leveled up some skills too! Slowly but surely! :3 I'm even learning how to do perspective! It's a Christmas miracle! XD

      I missed seeing your blog posts too dude! I missed reading your poetry and skits, and all the little chats we'd have with each other! <3 Even if you were only passing through, it's seriously awesome to see you again! I hope you're doing well and life is treating you kinder than before. <3

    2. Good news: I figured out how to leave comments while signed in! XD (I had to change some settings in Safari).

      Yeah, I was away from anything blogging related for A While. I still have to get used to checking blogging stuff again; it feels a little weird to me tbh. But I really did miss you and wanted to check on how you and your blog are doing. :’) and thank you~ <33

    3. Valid! You definitely sounded like you needed a break from blogging and blogs back when I last saw you, so good on ya for taking time for yourself! <3 I bet it feels weird coming back to old haunts after so long! XD But once again, it's nice to see you in the neighborhood again! <333
