Saturday, October 1, 2022

Dark sky, Bright rain

 Hm. Despite my scrupulous savings, I am still short on change this weekend.
No, I don't mean money. I mean mental energy. Haha, been one of those weeks where every actions seems so expensive to do, and I've been avoiding anything 'unnecessary' for the last few days now. Also my perfectionism habits are creeping back in, and I don't like that. XD

But anyway! It's been a good week, and I'm glad it's almost over now. And now enters a new month full of new surprises and trials! ..... But I'll deal with that nonsense tomorrow. When I've got the spoons for it.

 Not much to say about this artwork. :3 I start sketching it a few weeks ago, and then CPS crashed on me and I thought I had lost it forever. Then I discovered (a few days later, still a few weeks ago) that some of it was spared from being lost to the ether! Much rejoicing was had!
And then after I had finished sketching it and colored it, I forgot about it for a week like the ADD person I am XD And then I added shading and special effects a few days ago. A wild ride for a picture I didn't think would be so much trouble, and yet here we are <3

Yeah. I'm just gonna.. go now before I run out of cash for the rest of the night. That cool with you guys? Cool!
See you lads next week! Hope you have a good one until then <3


  1. I like how you drew the rain and the color it is. I’m also a fan of how the rain looks hitting the umbrella. Very nice. :)

    1. Aww ta mate! <3 I have to relearn how to draw rain every single time, and I'm happy this time it came out pretty good :) Also I was VERY proud how the rain looked hitting the umbrella, so thank you for liking it too <333
