Wednesday, June 3, 2015

Ch 32 Silver Moon - part.2

Ruby, Midnight and Sapphire followed Kunzite through the dark cold forest of Everwinter.

Sapphire: Kunzite! Where are we going?

Kunzite: Patience, young Vampling.

Sapphire: I'm neither young, OR Vampire! You have no right to call me by those things!

Kunzite: Would you rather UnMythling, then?

Sapphire: Well, no... but that's beside the point!

They continued to follow Kunzite in silence. While they were walking, she was playing her silver flute, making melodies with Mora howling in time behind her. After a while, the trees grew less and less, until they came to the shore.

Midnight: You made us travel so far we came to edge of the island!

Kunzite: I didn't force you to come. You decided on your own accord!

Sapphire: But why did YOU come here?

Kunzite: Wasn't it obvious?

Midnight: No.

Kunzite sighed, and pointed her flute up at the sky. Everyone looked up to see a almost full moon.

Kunzite: Have you ever heard of a Silver Moon?

Sapphire: I think I have... is that the one night every ten years when the moon is pure white instead of a light grey?

Kunzite: Ding ding ding! CORRECT!!! But there's something else about the Silver Moon besides its shade of colour.

Ruby: And that would be...?

Kunzite shook her head in disappointment.

Kunzite: Don't you guys read books anymore?

Ruby: I read adventure novels.

Sapphire: And I read science stuff.

Kunzite: Not what I meant... Anyway! On the night of a Silver Moon, a strange and rare crystal is formed from the lightbeams of the strange moon, and can be found in a strange place. Very beautiful, as well.

Sapphire: ... A rare crystal?

Kunzite: It's said to be powerful to both Vampires AND UnMythics!

Midnight: Well... where is this "Strange place"?

Kunzite: I don't know. It changes every time.

Midnight: Convenient. 

Ruby: So... you played hide and seek with us, JUST to tell us that a silver moon is going to happen soon...?

Kunzite: Yup~!

Kunzite started playing her flute again as she danced back into the forest, with Mora close behind.

Midnight: ... I'm not going to enjoy meeting your other cousins, am I?

Sapphire: A good chance, yes... Oh! Besides Citrine. You'd like her.

Ruby: I guess we should go home, now. Kunzite has had her fun, and I for one want to go to bed before food finding duty tomorrow.

Ruby, Sapphire and Midnight trudged after Kunzite back home.


  1. I never knew that Saffy read science stuff! Cool!
    Does she watch Doctor Who? (Plz let her comment back, thanks!)

  2. I wonder if the crystal has anything to do with the dragon baby? Oh, this is getting so interesting. C
    Is the unmythic's weapon food. If it is, I bet a Fang will eat it! T
