Wednesday, June 10, 2015

Ch.33 Deadly message - part.3

Ruby ran down the path to Sapphire, holding a light green candle. She held her breath as she came closer to cinnamon paper, and set it alight. Sapphire shoved a glass jar under the paper as dissolved into ashes.

Sapphire: ... Can you breathe without getting poisoned, now?

Ruby: Yes.

Sapphire: What are we going to do with the ashes?

Ruby: ... We return them to sender, of course!

Sapphire: Well, it's a little late for Mora to sniff out who sent this.

Ruby: But who is the most likely group that would send something like this?

Sapphire: ... Probably R.O.O.S.T.

Ruby: Not probably - definitely!

Sapphire: But what if it isn't them?

Ruby: Well, can you think of anyone else who would do this?

Sapphire: ... Good point.

Just then, Midnight and Kunzite showed up.

Ruby: Hi, guys!

Sapphire: About time you got here. You missed the burning!

Midnight: Sorry. Kunzite stopped to play her flute to some birdies.

Kunzite: They sang very sweetly, I'll have you know.

Midnight: Tweets and twitters don't make sense!

Sapphire: Did they ever?

Ruby: ... Anyway. Does anyone have any questions before we set out?

Midnight: Yes.. What are we doing again? You never... actually explained when you left with that candle, Ruby.

Kunzite: I have to agree with him, actually... All you said was "Message from UnMythics, hurry up, leaving now".

Ruby:  Sorry, but I was in a hurry.

Sapphire: Some UnMythics - we're suspecting R.O.O.S.T - sent some cinnamon paper with a bunch of scribbles on it.

Midnight: And we're about to return the favor?

Sapphire: Or die trying!

Ruby: ...

Sapphire: ... Oh, sorry. I meant "Or we can at least try to"...

Kunzite: Then what are we waiting for? Let's go!

Ruby: Hold on!

Kunzite: What?

Ruby: Have you had... any experience in Spy 101?

Kunzite: Well, no... I've only been trained in the arts of music, cooking, and basic self defense.

Ruby: Well, unless we come across some out of control squirrels, I don't think you're ... really going to be helpful...

Kunzite: You never know! I might be useful as a lookout guard.

Sapphire: Maybe, but you tend to be easily distracted with small animals...

Kunzite: So there's small animals in an Anti Vampire hideout?

Ruby: Well... maybe? I don't know - I haven't seen any in my time there, to be honest...

Midnight: Can we just take our chances and go? It's not going to be much of a risk if we have potions and stuff.

Ruby: I guess so...

Kunzite: So I can come?

Ruby: Maybe, but-

Kunzite: Well, you didn't say no, so it's practically a yes!

Ruby: I didn't say that-

Kunzite: Let's go!

Kunzite chucked her flute into the air, caught it, and ran in the direction of Grandma's house.

Midnight: ... She was going to come no matter what you said, wasn't she?

Ruby: Most likely, yes...

Sapphire: She does know she's going the wrong way... right?

Ruby: Actually, I forgot to bring some potions with me, so technically not...

Ruby sighed, and headed after Kunzite with Sapphire and Midnight.

1 comment:

  1. Activate: Kunzite/Midnight.
    Press GO to begin procedure.
    Congratulations! Your Ship has Sailed.
