Thursday, June 4, 2015

Ch.33 Deadly message - part.1

Early the next morning, Ruby and Midnight were walking through Everwinter forest, picking berries and fruit.

Ruby: You know... finding food isn't that bad.

Midnight: Your right. It's even more boring if you absolutely have to do it.

Ruby: ... I'm going to pretend you didn't say anything.

Midnight: What? It's true.

Ruby: We have a war coming up, and YOU'RE complaining about gathering fruit for our kind?

Midnight: It's just... why do we have to do this?

Ruby: Do what?

Midnight: Why should we go to war with the UnMyhics?

Ruby: Because if we don't, they'll automatically drive us out.

Midnight: But will they?

Ruby: If one of them wants us gone, all of them want us gone. It's how its always been.

Midnight: So they keep telling us.

Ruby: Well, unless you plan on going to the library anytime soon, you're just going to have to deal with the facts.

Midnight: I don't read.

Ruby: ... Let's just do our duty and finish the job. Breakfast will be soon, and I for one am hungry.

They continued to gather berries in silence. After a while, Ruby picked up her basket (which was now full of fruit) and started to walk back to Grandma's house.

Ruby: Hello, Grandma! I'm back!

Grandma: Did you find some fruit?

Ruby: Yup!

Grandma: ... Where's Midnight?

Ruby: Still gathering fruit. I'm sure he'll be back soon.

Just then, Kunzite, Sapphire and Topaz came in with baskets of fruit.

Grandma: I can see everyone is back except Midnight... No matter. You kids deserve some breakfast!

Kunzite: I'll make muffins!

Kunzite dropped her basket and skipped into the kitchen.

Sapphire: We're about to go to war... and she's happy?

Grandma: She's trying to stay positive, Sapphire. When soldiers go to war, they always come back silent and depressed. We don't know how long this war will last, and we don't know how many will come back. She's doing us a favor by being herself.

Sapphire: I guess...

Topaz: ... We'll drop off the food at the new store house after breakfast. Then you guys can train while I research.

Sapphire: Since when did you became the leader?

Topaz: ... It's just my idea on how we should spend our day.

Suddenly, there was a rumbling sound from beneath the house. Everything shook for a minute before stopping.

Kunzite: (from kitchen) ... I hope that wasn't your stomachs, guys!

Ruby: We're not THAT hungry!

Sapphire: So... what was that?

Grandma said nothing, but went down to the cellar. Midnight then came in with his basket full of fruit.

Midnight: Did you guys feel that as well?

Topaz: Yes... do you know what it is?

Midnight: ... I think that was the Dragon egg.

Sapphire: I forgot you had that thing. So is it finally hatching?

Grandma came back up at that moment.

Grandma: No, but it's quite close to it.

Ruby: I was afraid of that...

Kunzite (now with a tray of slightly burned muffins) appeared from the kitchen door.

Kunzite: If the Dragon egg is going to hatch soon, then the war probably will happen any day now.

Midnight: Enough talk about war. Just give us some breakfast!

Kunzite beamed and put the tray on the table, and everyone started eating.

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