Thursday, June 11, 2015

Ch.33 Deadly message - part.4

After Ruby got some potions, they left Grandma's house and headed for the Golden Forests school.

Kunzite: Isn't this exciting? Off on an epic adventure with friends!

Sapphire: We're just going to a school to mail a letter - nothing exciting or epic about that.

Kunzite: Easy for you to say - You haven't been stuck indoors caring for your family for most of your life. Just traveling to Everwinter was thrilling enough to me!

Midnight: Oh, you'd love the life of a thief then. Excitement and guards after you wherever you go.

Ruby: Strange... I don't think I've seen anyone running after you... Unless you count the UnMythics.

Midnight: You don't know where I go everyday, so how would you know?

Ruby shrugged and continued walking.

Sapphire: Do you think R.O.O.S.T will be home this time?

Midnight: What do you mean?

Sapphire: Last time we came here, no one was around. The place was totally deserted... I think I even saw some tumbleweed as well, because it was so empty.

Ruby: Probably just as well, seeing you were... having fun elsewhere.

Midnight: Hey, I was distracted!

Ruby: But you could have at least made an effort to come.

Midnight: I did!

Sapphire: You didn't do a good job then.

Kunzite: Cut the cheetah some slack, guys. I'm sure whatever it was he tried his best.

Midnight: You haven't known me long enough to know what they're talking about... sorry, but I think they win this conversation.

Kunzite: At least it had my thoughts in it.

They cleared the trees and could see the big school of Golden Forests.

Kunzite: Is this the place?

Sapphire: If it looks like a school and is filled with UnMythic children, then yes. You're probably right.

Kunzite: Sorry - I've been home-schooled for most of my life.

Ruby: So was I - until I was summoned to the Vampire Lord for a Undercover Mission in Golden Forests school.

Kunzite: Aw, now I wish I was brave enough to leave my duties to do that.

Sapphire: So... you still have a Vampire Lord?

Kunzite: Yeah, and I had the chance to help our village, but I was afraid my family couldn't care for themselves just yet.

Midnight: Why not?

Kunzite: They can't cook, they don't know the meaning of "keeping house", and they keep bringing stray cats and dogs home without permission.

Ruby: That just means they want a pet very badly.

Midnight: Enough small talk. Let's get down to business.

They all nodded in agreement and silently raced down to the school. They got inside without any trouble, and found their way to the R.O.O.S.T entrance in the forbidden part of the library.

Sapphire: ... The door is still open, guys.

Ruby: Ok, so that means that either they're still gone, or they simply forgot to lock their door.

Midnight: Does that mean we don't have to use the Invisibility potion?

Ruby: We'll take our chances and not use it for now.

They enter warily and walk down the stony steps. They carefully looked around, making sure no one was there before exploring more.

Sapphire: Where do you think is a good place for a reply letter?

Midnight: I'd say on that wall just there. Practically impossible to be unnoticed.

Ruby pulled out a piece of paper, and carefully pinned it to the wall.

Ruby: Ok, now with that done, let's-... Where's Kunzite?

They all looked around, but no pink cousin could be seen.

Ruby: ... Great, now we'll have to look for her.

Midnight: Shouldn't be hard. There's only so much room in an UnMythic base.

They all split up to find Kunzite. Midnight took a turn and made sure to look everywhere.

Midnight: She'd better show up soon - I've got a lot of things I need to do this afternoon, and I don't intend finding a fairy girl to be one of them!

He skidded another corner to see Kunzite, playing her flute to some caged animals.

Kunzite: Midnight! Can you-

Midnight: Why did you wander off?

Kunzite: Well... I heard some birds singing, so I naturally followed the sound. Why? Is there something wrong?

Midnight: Yes - we were going leave without you! So let's go before the others start getting worried.

Kunzite: But-

Midnight took hold of Kunzite's arm and dragged her along the halls.

Kunzite: What about the animals?

Midnight: They'll live.

Kunzite looked back at them before they disappeared out of sight.

After they got out of the Golden Forest's school, they headed back to Grandma's house for something to eat.

Ruby: Good. With the letter delivered, all we have to focus on now is training! We only have a day left before the war... we need to be prepared.

Sapphire: But after a snack.

Ruby: ... But seriously, Kunzite. NEVER run away like that. Especially on a mission.

Kunzite: I've already told you, I heard some animals!

Sapphire: More is at stake then some small blue birds, Kunzite.

Kunzite: I know, but... I thought Midnight could help unlock their cages, so that they could fly away from that awful place.

Midnight: They're FINE, Kunzite.

Kunzite: They told me they were miserable and scared.

Midnight: How do you know?

Kunzite: I just... do.

Ruby: ... Anyway. I'll report to the Vampire Lord. You guys head on home.

Midnight: I'll come with you.

And so, Ruby and Midnight parted ways with Sapphire and Kunzite as they got to the village. One party went to the Vampire Lord's mansion, while they other went to a small beaten down cottage at the edge of town.


  1. YAY! More Everwinter! YAHOO!
    And the letter is gone! Yay! Did;t know Cinnamon was THAT serious...
    The weapon, not your dog! LOL
    BTW, is Kunzite edited in?

    1. Yes. I thought I had a pink kangaroo, but it turns out I didn't. I had to recolour another kangaroo to replace Kunzite, but I'll make sure to fix that when I have time.
