Monday, June 8, 2015

Ch.33 Deadly message - part.2

After Ruby and Sapphire dropped off their fruit baskets at the storehouse, they decided to go back to Grandma's house.

Sapphire: I'm sure glad that's out of the way...

Ruby: At least it's for a good cause.

Sapphire: So now you're calling a war a "good cause"?

Ruby: Oh, don't you start too, Sapphire.

Sapphire: Start what?

Ruby sighs and looks off into the distance.

Ruby: Midnight was arguing with me about war... I'm not sure what he was trying to get at, but it ended up with us... less friendly.

Sapphire: Aw come on, you knew I was kidding.

Ruby: I know. But wars are nothing to joke about.

Sapphire: Tell that to the thousands of UnMythics that don't know what's about to happen.

All of a suddenly, Ruby stopped. She sniffed the air, and stepped back a bit.

Sapphire: Whats wrong?

Ruby: ... Cinnamon, that's what it is!

Sapphire: In a Vampire village? Are you sure?

Ruby: I hope not, but... can't you smell it?

Sapphire sniffed the air as well, pausing to make sure it was there.

Sapphire: ... Oh, now I can!

Ruby: We need to find it, before the wind gets any stronger! It could cause many Vampires to get sick!

Sapphire: You take it slow and easy - I'll dash ahead and try to find it.

Sapphire dashed away from the path, allowing her nose to try and follow the sweet spicy scent of the faint cinnamon. After a while she spotted a note, nailed to a nearby tree in the middle of town. Vampires of all ages were warily staying away from it. Sapphire was about to approach the letter, when  an old Vampire caught her arm.

Old Vampire (red horse): What do y'think your doin', young'un?

Sapphire: Going to read the note, of course!

Old Vampire: That letter is tainted with cinnamon powder! You'd get very sick!

Sapphire sighed and broke her arm free. She walked up to the note, and started reading it.

Sapphire: (reading) "To the Vampires of Everwinter. This is a warning to give up, or we will crush you like bugs, then drive the rest who survive out! You'll be the first out of thousands who will be destroyed."

Sapphire unpinned the cinnamon scented note, and carefully held it away from her and the other Vampires.

Sapphire: Ok, every Vampire... Move away, or face the consequences and get sick for about a week. That's right, out of the way.... Coming through with a dangerous message!

Sapphire moved through the crowd, making sure not to move too fast. She made her way to the pathway, where she met Ruby.

Ruby: Hey Sapphire-

Sapphire: You may want to hold your breath for a while.

Ruby, surprised, held her breath while Sapphire swerved pass with the cinnamon letter. Sapphire jabbed it on a twig before coming back to Ruby, who was now slightly coughing.

Sapphire: You're welcome.

Ruby: What was that?

Sapphire: Cinnamon paper, fresh from the UnMythics. A bit of a warning message, I might add.

Ruby: So... what did you do with it?

Sapphire: Nothing, yet. I don't know the best way how to destroy cinnamon without... you know, making it worst.

Ruby: Grandma taught me that burning cinnamon paper with Nature fire usually does the trick.

Sapphire: Ok. Once we've done that, how about we tell the others whats happened?

Ruby: Good idea. I'll tell Kunzite and Midnight about it.

Sapphire: You do that I'll make sure no Vampire gets near the note.

Ruby: Ok. See you shortly.

Ruby dashes back home to Grandma, while Sapphire goes back to the place where the cinnamon message lay partly ripped.

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