Thursday, July 16, 2015

Bk2 Ch.1 Rise of the Champion - part1

Now, if this was an act, or a play, this would be the start of act two.

But this isn't an act... this is meant to be a BOOK.

So where do we begin if this is a book?

Well... let us start, like any normal person would, at the beginning... and as a very mad gentleman that can finish sentences would say, "And when you get to the end... Stop".

So... what are you waiting for? An invitation?... Ok. I'll stop talking so you can start reading.


A loud explosion sounded somewhere in a busy Vampire village known as Everwinter village. All the Vampires seemed to be in a panic, dashing indoors and slamming the doors behind them, and in a frenzy, tried to search for somewhere safe. 

Everything was chaos. 

Everyone was scared.

All of them? No. A small group of teenage Vampires were running as fast as they could towards an ancient Alchemist's home. Not for hiding, but for help. The leader of the gang, a red kangaroo, skidded, and sprinted down the path towards her grandma's house.

Ruby (red kangaroo): Grandma! Are you home?

A elderly black kangaroo opened the door, with a calm look on her face.

Grandma (black kangaroo): Yes, I just happen to be brewing some more Healing potions.

Sapphire (blue kangaroo): Are you serious? Didn't you hear that KA-BOOM?

Grandma: Oh, yes I heard it.

Sapphire: Then, may I ask why your not panicking?

Grandma: Because that wasn't from the UnMythics.

Ruby: Then... what-

Suddenly, a bright light flashed across the sky, looking like a green shooting star. It sped through the forest, and towards the UnMythic army. Like lightning, it shot an incredible light beam that seemed to be pushing the UnMythic army back.

Midnight (black cheetah): ... That thing is fast.

Sapphire: Understatement of the hour.

Ruby: ... What are we waiting for? We should-

Sunshine (white cheetah): No, we're staying here.

Ruby: But that thing might need our help!

Grandma: That thing would be the powerful Dragon's champion.

There was a stunned silence as everyone watched the blurred figure rocket across the skies, stopping the UnMythic army from getting any closer to the forest.

Sapphire: So... when a Dragon egg hatches, it makes a huge explosion...

Grandma: That's one way of putting it, yes.

Midnight: Cool.

Grandma: Indeed. But now you must come inside.

Ruby: Why?

Grandma: You all need a survival plan. This war could take years to end, and I think it's in everyone's best interest to stay alive.

Grandma walks back inside and everyone else follows her into the old house. A tan kangaroo was sitting at the table, reading books. She didn't look up as they entered.

Grandma: Right... as you should know, the war between us and the UnMythics has just started, and we need to help stop them.

Midnight: How?

Grandma: A good start would be to play by your strengths. For example - Midnight, you're a trained thief and happen to be an expert in breaking and entering without being noticed. You can use your skills to hide where they would never look, and spy on them.

Grandma turned her gaze upon Ruby.

Grandma: Ruby - You have a quick wit and are fast to react to a dangerous situation. You have acted as a leader ever since Midnight and Sapphire have been alongside you. You take note of all the threats before taking action, and you keep your teammates safe.

Sapphire: ... What can I do?

???: Shouldn't that be obvious?

They all looked up too see a small red spider at the top of a dusty bookcase. He jumped down, landed on Sapphire's head, and scurried down to her arm.

Sapphire: ... No, I'm afraid it's not, Fang. Please do tell, or I will have to get a baseball bat and hit you with it until you do.

Fang (red spider): ... You're brave.

Sapphire: What?

Fang: I said you're-

Sapphire: I heard what you said - but how?

Fang jumped down Sapphire's arm and looked up at her

Fang: While it's true you might be a little hotheaded, but you can charge into any scene without fear. You're an UnMythic! Your kind hates Vampires! You stood up to something that was against your natural nature... I think that's pretty brave.

Ruby: You know, Sapphire... the small sandwich addicted spider has a point in some ways.

Sapphire: But how does that help me... not become-

Midnight: Unalived?

Sapphire: Yeah. What he said.

Just then, a pink kangaroo (who was in the kitchen in the next room) poked her head around the corner.

Kunzite (pink kangaroo): The UnMythics won't suspect you being on the opposing side. Sure, you might be a teensy weensy bit underage to be working for your kind, but that's not the point!

Sapphire: Well, I guess I'll take your word for it.

Grandma: ... Oh, and I'm sure you're all be wanting to meet the Dragon's champion, if I'm not mistaken?

Ruby: We've been curious, yes.

Just then, a strange figure opened the door with a loud bang. Lightning flashed as it stared down upon the Vampires with wings outstretched and eyes glowing a golden yellow.


    It was the Dragon!!!! Of COUSRE!
    Huelo, I am an idot XD

    Welcome, Barak! Come here! Come here little guy-
    WOWOWOWOWWOWOOWWWWW!!!!! *bursts into tears* Applestorm, how do you heal a dragon bite? Sniffle.

    1. With magic.

      *Waves hand over Epet injury and it magically heals*

    2. ...
      Yu didn't tell me you were a Witch! HP fandom goes cra-cra over this XD
