Monday, July 27, 2015

Bk2 Ch.2 Hide! - part1

Ruby and gang were walking up to the top of Everwinter village. After a while, Ruby signaled for the others to stop. Three paths led in different directions - one to the mountains, one to the forests, and one to the meadows in between. Sunshine walked over to Ruby as she opened the map.

Ruby: Ok... we're right at the edge of Everwinter Village, and the quickest way to Dalin Solin mountain would be...

Sunshine: You shouldn't be looking for the quickest path, Ruby.

Ruby: Why not?

Sunshine: War is going on at the moment. Do you really think the UnMythics won't be scouting the entire island now? And word will go out that a couple of Vampires are trying to get to the tallest mountain on the island.

Ruby: Well, where do you suggest we go, then?

Sunshine took the map off Ruby and looked at it. She pointed to another pathway on the map, which led to the forest.

Sunshine: That would be the safest option. It's in the woods, so if we have to run and hide, the trees would protect us nicely - plenty of food there as well.

Barak suddenly jumped up next to them.

Barak: Hello, ma- I mean... Ruby. White one. What are you doing?

Sunshine: Deciding which way to go.

Barak: What are our choices?

Ruby: The quick route, which should take a few days, OR the safe route... which might take a week or so to get to our destination.

Barak thought for a moment before speaking again.

Barak: Well, the fastest path would be convenient, and while it would save more lives, it puts us in more danger then necessary, and more chance of getting caught. The safest way would be longer, and there is less chance of us being seen. But...

Ruby: But what?

Barak took the map from Sunshine, and pointed a claw to a narrow pathway, leading to the meadows.

Barak: This path would be quicker, and it's near the forest. The mountains are closer as well, so... if the forest is full of these... UnMythics, as you call them... then we'll have a plan B.

Ruby: ... I guess that's the way we'll go.

Sapphire and Midnight (who were sitting on a nearby log) got up as they saw Ruby starting to head down the middle path, and followed. The Dragon followed closely behind, along with Sunshine.

Just then, they heard a barking sound, and it seemed to be getting closer. They all looked up to see a red hound, running to them at top speeds with a spider on it's back. The hound jumped right at Sapphire, knocking her to the ground.

Sapphire: Mora! What are you doing here?

Ruby: I could say the same thing to the spider...

The spider jumped down from the dog and scurried up to Ruby.

Fang: Hello, Ruby! Aren't you glad to see me?

Ruby: Not really, to be honest.

Fang: ... Anyway. We're coming with you!

Ruby: No you're not.

Fang: But Grandma said so.

Ruby: I don't care what Grandma said, you're not coming!

And so saying so, Ruby picked up Fag and threw him back down the hill. Like a flash of lightning, Mora jumped off Sapphire and pounded after Fang. The hound snatched up the spider, tossed him up to her back, and raced back to the team.

Midnight: Well, looks like we've got a retriever on our hands.

Sapphire: I thought Mora was a blood hound...

Midnight: It was a joke, moron.

Sapphire: Good for you.

Ruby sighed and picked up Fang.

Ruby: ... I don't have a choice in the matter, do I?

Fang: Nope.

Ruby: ... Mora will always retrieve you no matter how far I throw you?

Fang: Yup.

Ruby thought for a moment before stuffing Fang into her potion bag.

Ruby: Right, then... let's move on.

Ruby continued to walk down the path. Sapphire whistled to Mora to follow her, and they all trudged after Ruby.

The moon shone brightly as the gang quickly traveled through the meadows. Midnight kept looking back, with a nervous look on his face.

Sapphire: Calm down, Midnight. No one knows what were doing just yet.

Midnight: I can't help it - my back is tingling, I keep hearing footsteps behind us...

Sapphire: You're paranoid.

Midnight: Maybe, but better paranoid than stupid.

Mora's ears pricked up suddenly. She looked around, obviously sensing something. Sapphire called to Ruby to stop.

Ruby: What's up?

Sapphire: Mora's detecting something... It could be UnMythics!

Ruby: Barak, can you manage to fly up and see if there's anything, or anyone, following us?

Barak: Churre teey... (I'll try...)

The Dragon tried to get airborne, and managed to fly up a few meters of the ground. He looked around for a bit before having a rough landing.

Barak: I can't see anything, but I can smell UnMythics nearby.

Midnight: How many?

Barak: More than us, that's for sure.

Sapphire: Should we run for it?

Sunshine: They'll know we saw them and they'll attack... or keep following us.

Barak: ... We run.

Sunshine: What? Why?

Barak: There's seven of us here, including the hound and spider... If we run into the forest, we have the advantage of cover and homeland.

Midnight: I've had to run through streets, sewers, and even half way across the island - exploring a forest is going to be easier than stealing a key in a unbreakable box!

Ruby: So... everyone agrees to run into the forest until we lose them?

Midnight: Agree.

Sapphire: Agree.

Sunshine: ... Agree.

Ruby: Good. We run in three... two... one...

She paused for a moment, looking behind before giving the order

Ruby: Go!

They all dashed into the forest. A few seconds later, they all heard footsteps racing behind them, and a command was heard...


They kept on going, not stopping for anything.

1 comment:

    And uh, Fang. Here's a sandwich. *gives*
    Good luck, you guys!
