Sunday, July 12, 2015

Undercover Vamparoo : Book two - Prologue

Everything turned upside down in a matter of days...

We've already lost more then we can count... 

The UnMythics have gone too far...

Will this war end like last time?

Will we end up like last time?

Or will we disappear from existence?


It was a dark and stormy night, around the Dalan Solin mountain pass. Two kangaroos, one red and one blue, and a black cheetah, were trudging up it's rocky path. Alongside them, was a red bloodhound, a small bat, a red spider, and a light green dragon.

The cheetah was badly injured. He had a broken arm, and bruised all over, and growled in pain as he walked. The two kangaroos, who were less hurt, walked in silence behind him, and seemed to be afraid of everything. The blue kangaroo suddenly stopped in her tracks, looking serious at the red kangaroo.

Sapphire: You guys go on ahead - me and Fang... we need to talk.

The red kangaroo shrugged and continued walking after the cheetah. The small red spider who was on the blue kangaroo's shoulder scurried down her arm, for a better view.

Sapphire: (muttering) What is it, Fang? I'm not stopping here just to look at the non-existent view.

Fang: We need to get Midnight some herbs. Those wounds are going to get infected if we don't do something!

Sapphire: What do you suggest I do then? We're on the run, and it's not like anything can grow on this wasteland they call a steep hill!

Fang: Well... maybe Barak  can do something?

Sapphire: He's far too young to know how to cure scratches, Fang. huolo, he can barely fly!

Lightning struck the ground nearby, and thunder sounded like heavy rocks hitting a big drum.

Fang: Doesn't Ruby have healing potions?

Sapphire: ... I can't answer, because I don't know. But-

Sapphire looked up, hearing the faint pounding of feet in the distance. She only waited for a heartbeat before running up to her two companions as fast as she could. Just as she reached the red kangaroo, she hissed into her ear.

Sapphire: (whispering) We have to move faster - NOW!!!

The kangaroos both ran up to the cheetah, and half pulling, half dragging, urged him to go faster. The small bat and green dragon both started flying faster, as they looked behind to hear the noise getting slowly louder. The hound heard it too, and dashed ahead of the group. Fear on all their faces.



Cover picture of Undercover Vamparoo's second book!
(It took at least eight hours to complete, so I hope you like it!)


  1. OH.

    OMG!!!! The is great! BTW you'll still use AJ for the photos, right?

    1. Yes. Its just when I want to do something special, like this, that I'll use an art sight to do more detailed pictures.

      Besides, that took me EIGHT HOURS to draw and colour! And that was a SIMPLE picture! I don't want all my pictures to take that long! :)

    2. Daww, i understand!
      Thy fellow artist!
      Yush, I love art too ~Nya
      Check out this link for a picture I drew:

    3. NVM, I read it on your language page. But 'Dalin' means Shadows/Darkness, but 'Solin' mean Sun.

      So just to be clear, Dalin Solin literally means 'Dark Sun'. about opposites!

    4. Dalin Solin Mountain, as you say, means Dark Sun. But as you should know, the sun is a huge light source of ours - there can be NO shadow! What I was trying to put in the name, is that Dark Sun means impossible to find - to the UnMythics...
