Tuesday, July 7, 2015

Ch.34 Moon Crystals - part.2


Hi, guys! I've come back from holidays and from now on, I'll be trying to do regular post on Undercover vamparoo again!

That is all. Thank you for taking a minute out of your day to read this.

Ruby was trying to throw her dagger at the target Jack assigned her, but kept missing.

Ruby: (thinking) Can we end this lesson already? It's starting to get a little painful.

Just then, Jack came around to check on Ruby.

Jack: How you're doing?

Ruby: Not so great. I'm holding it the exact way you said, but I think I'm just not... accurate enough to hit anything... Unless you count the ground.

Jack: Well, show me how you throw, then.

Ruby tossed her dagger at the target, but missed by a few inches.

Ruby: See? I can't even hit the target.

Jack: As you said, you lack accuracy. But you also need a little more strength in your throw if you want to make it sound.

Ruby: Well, unless I use a strength potion from my Grandma, you're not going to get anything stronger from me.

Jack: While that would be cheating in reality, and possibly unfair to the others, but on a mission, I see no reason why not.

Ruby: Now if there was only a way to create an Accuracy Potion.

Jack: Just don't expect potions to help your every need, Ruby. We are capable of doing great things WITHOUT help from over flavorful drinks.

Ruby: I won't... but unless you have any better idea on how I can improve my aim, there's not much else I can go to.

Ruby continued training in silence.

After training, Ruby and Midnight decided to go back to Grandma's house for some lunch.

Midnight: When you get the hang of it, dagger throwing isn't... that difficult, to be honest.

Ruby: Good for you. You graduated with ease.

Midnight: Come off it, you weren't that bad! Just... didn't have great aim.

Ruby: Yes, and aim was one of the keys for success for that lesson!

Midnight: You just needed something to eat, that's all! We only had a few burnt muffins for breakfast - it wasn't all that appetizing, if I'm going to be fair.

Ruby: You? Fair? Since when?

Midnight: Since the last time I said I was. Now let's go back home to have a PROPER meal.

Ruby: OK, fine.

Just as Ruby and Midnight turn a corner, Grandma's house appeared into view. They went inside to find Grandma, Kunzite and Sapphire eating thick soup.

Grandma: You two are just in time! Kunzite just finished making Hot Redroy stew!

Ruby: Sounds good! After the hard task of learning how to throw a dagger, it's nice to come home to something you like!

Midnight: Great. You enjoy that. I'll be off doing something else then.

Grandma: You're not staying for lunch?

Midnight: I've got something important to do.

Ruby: I thought you wanted something to eat?

Midnight: No, I said that YOU needed something to eat.

Grandma: Very well, then. See you later then, Midnight.

Midnight quickly left the house and dashed deeper into the village.

Ruby (after training a bit more) was walking through the Everwinter forest. The moon was rising, meaning the last day before the war was almost over. Everything around Ruby was quiet as she wandered around in the cold jungle trees.

Ruby: (thinking) All will be chaos tomorrow... and there's nothing any of us can do to stop that.

White cheetah:  Um, excuse me...

Ruby looked up to see a white cheetah nearby, holding a rainbow crystal.

White cheetah: Can you tell me where Everwinter village is?

Ruby: Just follow this path and you'll get to it, but if you want, I can show you the way. Why do you ask? This isn't exactly the best time to travel around the Island.

White cheetah: It's... nothing important.

Ruby: ... If you don't mind me asking, what's that you got there?

White cheetah: This? That's just a moon crystal I found.

Ruby: A MOON CRYSTAL?! I thought those only appeared every ten years, and in different places every time!

White cheetah: They do. I just found a dozen a few yards from here and decided to take some with-

Before the strange cheetah could say any more, Ruby raced passed her and through the forest. She skidded to a halt as she came across a dimly lit area where crystals were scattered around like diamonds in a rock.

Ruby: As Midnight would probably say... Jackpot!

Ruby opened her bag and started picking up moon crystals.

Ruby: Won't the others be surprised when they see I've got a dozen of these with me!

The white cheetah (who had followed Ruby) was standing over her, watching in interest.

White cheetah: You seem particularly excited about Moon crystals. Why is that?

Ruby: Well, a cousin of mine said that they were both powerful to Vampires and UnMythics alike. And we need all the power we can get right now.

White cheetah: Why?

Ruby: Well... if I'm correct, a war will start between the Vampires and UnMythics... tomorrow. They have the Ultimate weapon, while we have nothing.

White cheetah: That's not true. We have the Ultimate defense!

Ruby: The Ultimate... defense?

White cheetah: Yes. It's hidden somewhere in Everwinter village, and it's powered by Moon crystals. Same as the Ultimate weapon.

Ruby stopped in her tracks and looked up at the cheetah.

Ruby: How do you know this?

White cheetah: That's... kind of private, actually.

Ruby: This is critical information to the Vampires! We HAVE to tell the Vampire Lord!

And so saying so, Ruby grabbed hold of the strange cheetah, and made a dash to Everwinter village.

1 comment:

  1. Le gasp!
    Woe is me! Thy fast cat who's fur is as white as the first winter snow! Thus has a stone that shines with the light of a thousand suns! Tell us thy information and seal the fate of our sweet, loved, cherished vampire who is the color of the red harvest moon!
    Ahem...great post! :-p
