Friday, July 10, 2015

Ch.34 Moon Crystals - part.3

Ruby burst into Grandma's house with the strange white cheetah. Grandma and Topaz looked up, surprised.

Grandma: Hello, Ruby. Didn't expect to see you back so soon. Who's your friend that came with you?

Ruby: This is... um...-

Sunshine: Sunshine.

Grandma: Nice to meet you, Sunshine!

Topaz: ... What's that I see glowing in your bag, Ruby?

Ruby: You might want to have a look at this.

Ruby took out a moon crystal and handed it to Topaz, who turned around it in amazement.

Topaz: Where did you get that? I demand to know!

Ruby: Sunshine found a whole area filled with moon crystals!... Oh, and she says that we have an Ultimate defense somewhere hidden in Everwinter village.

Topaz: Wh-

Ruby: But now, we have to tell the Vampire Lord. We only have so much time!

Sunshine: W-wait, I have to-

But before Sunshine or Topaz could say another word, Ruby dashed out with the white cheetah.

Ruby and Sunshine entered the Vampire Lord's meeting room, and waited.

Sunshine: ... How long are we going to wait here?

Ruby: It doesn't take that long for the Vampire Lord to appear.

Just as Ruby finished her sentence, there was a loud crash of thunder and rolling of lightning, as the Vampire Lord appeared in a flash of smoke, as usual.

Vampire Lord: I sense you have important news for me, Ruby.

Ruby: Indeed we do. Sunshine claims we have a Ultimate defense, that is powered by moon crystals, somewhere here in Everwinter.

Vampire Lord: Really? Well, tell me Sunshine... do you know where in Everwinter this Ultimate defense is?

Sunshine: It should be somewhere in this mansion, if I'm mistaken. Could be in this very room, in fact!

Sunshine walked around, looking over everything carefully, until she stopped at a rusty chest that seemed to have been left forgotten for years.

Sunshine: What's this?

Vampire Lord: An old family treasure.

Ruby: Do you know what's inside it?

Vampire Lord: Unfortunately, no. The Vampire who gave us this never had the key to it.

Ruby: And... you haven't thought about trying to use lock picks?

Vampire Lord: Oh yes, many times. All of them broke and didn't seem to do anything.

Sunshine: ... I'll return shortly. I think I can find the key to it, but don't take my word for it.

Ruby: Needle in a haystack?

Sunshine: You could say that.

Just then, the door opened and Midnight and Sapphire walked in.

Sapphire: Hey, Ruby! Got a note from Grandma saying you were at the Vampire Lord's mansion. Thought it would be at least polite to come and find you... who's that girl with you?

Ruby: This-

Sunshine: What's that around your neck, cheetah?

Midnight: What, this?

Midnight took off the strange object from around his neck, and showed it to the Sunshine.

Midnight: Just an old trinket that I've had ever since I can remember. Nothing that special.

Sunshine: Would you mind... if I borrowed it for a second?

Midnight shrugged and gave the white cheetah the necklace. Sunshine looked at it carefully for a bit, before taking a strange item out of her bag. She slowly connected the two pieces together, and with a small burst of light, fitted perfectly, looking like a key.

Midnight: What did you-... Give me back my useless trinket!

Sunshine: If it's useless, why do you want it? And besides, you can't get it back. They're merged together now - can never be pulled apart until peace is in control again. Not to mention I need it to open the chest to get the Ultimate defense.

Sapphire: (muttering) And this is why I never trust strangers with my things.

Sunshine walked over to the old chest and stuck the key into the keyhole. She carefully opened the lid and took out a wooden staff.

Midnight: ... I gave you my necklace, for THAT?

Sunshine: Don't question greatness. This is for a good cause. And you act just like my brother...

Midnight: Sorry, but did you say something?

The white cheetah ignored Midnight, and gave the staff to the Vampire Lord.

Sunshine: If you activate this with moon crystals in the middle of the battlefield, we can protect the soldiers from the UnMythics Ultimate weapon. Thankfully, the Silver moon was tonight, so we came across some on our way here.

Vampire Lord: You are wiser beyond your times, young Vampire. How do you know all of this?

Sunshine: Even I don't know, your Lord.

Vampire Lord: ... We'll have to-

Midnight: Sorry, but what's your name, snow cat?

Sunshine: I'm... My name is-

Just then, Captain Slash burst through the door with a loud bang. He rushed in, and saluted the Vampire Lord for pardon.

Slash: M'lord! The UnMythics! They've been spotted! Hundreds of them advancing towards the forest - most likely looking for a fight!

Vampire Lord: Curses... they must have decided to attack earlier to surprise us... Sound the alarms! Arm your men! Get ready for war!

Captain Slash saluted again before dashing out, yelling out orders. There was a loud BOOM, and the whole village shook.

The war... had clearly started.


  1. Ooh, the war has officially started! Dun, dun, dunnn! :O



    (love the muttering too! XD)
