Saturday, September 30, 2017

It's been a while, old chap

Hello! Guess what? Yeah, I wrote about over 1500 words this week in total. Pretty good considering I've barely made 400 words in the past actual YEAR... 
I think we're finally getting somewhere, people!

So, yeah... Didn't really draw that much this week. BUT, thankfully there's always the one guy I can resort to if I'm unprepared!

I needed to draw some Fang-y cuteness. I clearly don't draw enough of this guy... How can I tell?
 The majority of you guys still scream when a spider crawls up your shirt.

(Dang, I really need to draw up a Short Story Picture soon... Been a while since I've done a proper background, and BOY do I have ideas! Curse you brain for not cooperating...)

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