Sunday, September 3, 2017

Jaron the Boffin

Hiya! I've been drawing a lot of ghosty characters this week; here's one of them, in all his sparkling glory!

His name's Jaron the Boffin. Self-proclaimed piano master, and caretaker (or as well as he's able) of the Gloomy Manor.

... It's a Luigi's Mansion thing. And yes, I'm aware he should have a bigger head. Technically. But hey, if I can draw toads heads like hats, I can make ghosts more 'humanish'.

.. The clothes were a bonus. I was feeling classy at the time. Also the hair. Not quite sure why I gave him a pony-tail, but darn does it look cool! <3


  1. (About my blogging-sorry it's been FOREVER since I said I would start again! My computer was acting up and wouldn't let me access the editing pages...but I think I fixed it!)

    1. S'fine, mate! Can't exactly predict problems like that now, can we? And finding the motivation/inspiration needed can be a little tricky as well...

  2. He looks great, especially his collar and tie! Very spiffy.

    1. Thanks! I've found out that ties are a ton of fun to draw. Also belts, for some reason...

      Glad you liked it! :)
