Saturday, September 23, 2017

Winter's Mage

Hi! We're now officially home in Australia again, and boy does it feel good to be back! Still a bit tired, but thankfully my sleep-schedule is now (mostly) back on the right track, and (unlike last week) I've got something to post!

Yay, posts!

Sure, a little bit... white, I guess. And empty... Actually, the only reason why I took it as far as I did because of how proud I was of the scarf! Plus, I wanted to draw some snow. It had been a while since I'd done that.

Here's the original sketch, for those that are curious.


  1. Replies
    1. I think the correct term for this would be 'Ice'! *Hehehe*

      But in all seriousness, glad you liked it! Always makes my day when you decide to swing by and drop a comment. Keep on keeping on, my good colleague! :)
