Sunday, September 17, 2017

UV Sketches

Hi! Remember how I said last week I might post some of my various Undercover Vamparoo sketches? Well... Yeah. Didn't really have much choice in the matter this time, but WHO CARES because you get to see some of my awesome drawings!

Yeah. Just a couple of doodles from various places. Mostly Ruby interacting with the boys, but there's one where Sapphire seems to be, uh... how to say this... 'screeching someone's ear off by telling them how stupid they are'... Yeah, that about sums it up.

And why is Midnight holding a stick of dynamite, some of you more observant readings may ask?

... Good question. But one thing's for certain; it makes more sense than him holding a salad!

[... On a side note, we're now in Singapore! This is the second time I've woken up before dawn and slept in til past lunch-time. This does not bode well for my already horrible sleep-schedule.]

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