Saturday, February 22, 2020

Army Angel


Feeling much less exhausted than I think I was last week. Well, I can sound enthusiastic when I post now, so that must mean I'm doing fine.

RIGHT. The original reasoning behind this picture was quite a trip, but it boiled down to HALOS ARE COOL AND FUN TO DRAW and BARBED WIRE WOULD LOOK AWESOME IF IT GLOWED. I combined the two of them into a sketch of one of my sister's characters (again), and not too shabby if I do say so myself.

You might've noticed I'm trying out a new sketching style, too.
Instead of a rough crayon look I've been using for the past few months, I'm now making it much more cleaner and bolder.
Not as good as line art, but a decent second-best when I'm feeling lazy. Plus, it feels much nicer to draw with! :)


  1. I visited your blog a few times two days ago (for me at least) and I kept on thinking this post was from last week and you didn't read my comments yet... pfft. Well, I've come to realize that this is in fact a new post. XD

    I like the halo (and sun?) and how you colored the character's skin. It looks like he has some cuts/scratches on him which... intrigue me. I hope I'm not imagining things, haha.

    1. Thank you! And YES! Thank you for noticing the cuts and scratches on his body! You're not imagining it, my girl! ;)
