Saturday, February 8, 2020

The last Letter

Hello, there. I'm at my grandparents house at the moment (and then probably at my cousins house when I post this on Saturday). Sitting on the unstable top-bunk like I usually do. Listening to lots of 60's stuff. Not too hot, all things considering. It's been raining a lot.

Another of my sister's mercenary ocs. He just received the last letter he'll ever get from his girlfriend. 
She was tired of waiting for him. 

He's been sitting like that almost all night.

First the only friend he ever had in this job, then his girlfriend.
What a week it must've been for him...


  1. Aww, poor guy. :(

    How are you, Applestorm? How are things going for you?

    1. Yeah. He really needs a break from life...

      How am I? I'm alright, I guess. Can't complain. Trying to keep myself busy, but in a non-stressful way. Spending time with my grandparents is certainly helping with that...
      One day at a time, y'know? :)
      Mostly just tired, to be honest. I only seem to notice it when I slow down and think about it - like now - but that's pretty normal for me.

      You doing okay yourself? Not working to death or anything? :)

    2. me: asks how you're doing
      also me: forgets to check your blog for another week
      (cutepups logic *smh*)

      I feel like we haven't heard from each other for a while, so I felt like answering. haha ^-^". I don't have too much work to do (... yet); it's just a lot of reading and attempting to be productive. Yeah same. When I think about it, I'm usually aware that I'm tired. But I'm doing okay nowadays as well. Living one day at a time is the way to go, I say. :')

    3. *pfft* Sounds about right, mate. Sounds about right.
      Glad to hear from you, in any case. :)

    4. Yeah haha oops. ^-^"
      Thanks and same with you. :')
