Saturday, February 29, 2020

Important Documenting

Feburary 29th, huh?

Okay. So... Story time!

This is Aeron DeathDancer, the youngest son to Ruby and Harland DeathDancer. A kangaroo/penguin hybrid (and Vampire), he lives the intense life of a witch's son, and enjoys every second. As a kid he would help his mum out at the 'shop' (the tower Midnight said Ruby could use for her alchemy lab), and has a decent knowledge of all things magic. Especially blood.

At the ripe old age of 9, he decides it's about time he got some special magic powers and, with the opportunity to go to the ocean with Aunty Sapphire, plans a stupidly dangerous AWESOME FOOL-PROOF PLAN to find and fight a 'rare powerful sea monster, with immeasurable magic potential". Using the potion knowledge he learnt from Ruby, and with a small sword he earned on his 6th birthday (from Reginald), almost freezes and drowns himself in an attempt to sink to the bottom of the Mariana Trench.

To make a long story short, he gets Time-Travel and Teleportation powers. And with a now 500 year stunted growth, he's pretty much immortal.

So. What does a young boy with such amazing, serious world-changing powers do?
Go on epic adventures without telling his mother, of course!

Well, once he figured out how to do it, anyway...
Took him a few years to realize he could do more than just create spooky space mist. :)


Okay. I'll leave it here for now, but this has been fun! I'll try to talk more about UV in the near future.
Til then, thanks for reading! And see you all again soon! <3

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