Saturday, February 15, 2020

Not Afraid

Hi. I'm tired, but happy to be finishing the week in a good mood.
Wanna see the picture I did this afternoon?

 I keep forgetting that it's good to draw something completely random sometimes. As nice as it is to be able to focus and enjoy a drawing mood, it's also nice to do something that... just exists. Y'know? Something that isn't supposed to be anything special. Something that you just come up with on the spot without any thought or purpose for it.
It's good. And being reminded about that feeling did me good, too. :)

Hope you guys have a lovely weekend. Stay safe. <3


  1. Aww, this is sweet! :')

    Are these random characters or ones from your story that I can't remember right now?

    1. Haha, it WAS supposed to be just some random characters, but my sister pointed out what likeness the girl had to Angela SoftSong (who I couldn't exactly argue against), so now it's unofficially her and her son.
      I mean, he would look more red if I was intentionally drawing him, but eh. *Waves hand* Whatever. Close enough. :)

      And don't worry about remembering all of my characters, CPups. I've got, like... literally hundreds. Ruby, Sapphire, and Midnight are just some of the oldest ones.

      The population of France lives in my head. Not your fault they keep multiplying. :)

    2. Hmm.. come to think of it, these characters look vaguely familiar to me. Ah haha ok, that's a lot of characters. I have a lot more characters that I either haven't decided on names (of course) and their appearances, or they're not from my story thing so I haven't been thinking of them as much. Your characters interest me. I miss hearing about Midnight and Sapphire. What are they up to? Haha. :D

    3. Maybe I should start talking more about my Story. I have 3 years of new information and world-building to catch you up on, so I'll have lots to talk about...
      New(ish) characters you don't know anything about, Like Harland and Reginald, as well as the few hundred side(?) characters that keep popping up. Old characters who are now doing things I wouldn't have predicted when I first started this silly story of mine...
      And of course, all of Aeron's time-traveling shenanigans! Ah, that could be fun to talk about.
      The magic system and how it works, how the The Great War started, the confusing mess that is the politics of this universe, and... just... EVERYTHING.

      Okay, you've convinced me. If I don't get distracted or forget, I'll try to talk about them more often. :)
