Saturday, February 1, 2020

The Colour Inkstinct (Cover)

Ah, it's that time again! Time for some more Splatoon art! :D

I drew this last Saturday, since I was still in a major mood... Just some fun concept art for a story that I've had in my head on and off for the past year or so... Two boys from very different cultures, living as roommates and trying to find their place in life.

Storm comes from a very shallow society that focuses solely on pleasure, and he's trying to find the one thing that'll make him happy. He's chased down all sorts of interests, hobbies, and dreams, but to no avail... Hoping to finally get some inner peace, he moves out of his parents house and gives Turf War a shot. The most popular game in the whole world. He believes if he can do good in this, he'll finally be happy.

Ace, on the other hand, comes from a culture whose entire purpose is to work hard and serve others. From his family, to his school, to the military, and to his leader, he's been expected to do his very best. And he did. He was a good soldier, a good son, a good person, and was probably going to be a cog in the big machine that was the Octarian Race for life. No questions, no complaints.
Until something that happened a few years ago changed his perspective... Now he's decided that there has to be more to life than working. And he wants to find it.


So, yeah. That's what I've thinking about lately.
I really REALLY want to make a comic of this. Maybe I should. Would certainly give me some practice before I get serious doing UV comics...
We'll see.

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