Saturday, January 16, 2021

"Mightyena's shouldn't be allowed Ice Cream..."

I remember when doing my weekly art post was easy. Well, not easy... but more organized? No, that's a lie too. I usually scrambled to come up with something at the last minute. Not always, but usually.

But if feels like I've gotten a lot more lazy over these years. Which is silly, because I probably draw a lot more than I did when I was 15. And harder, too. But because I don't spend an entire day devoted to a single drawing and making it as over the top and detailed as possible, it feels like I'm falling short.

It's probably time I moved the goal posts, but I'm a perfectionist. If I'm not working at 120% then I clearly don't care. Even if I care a lot.

Which is probably why I still feel physical pain when I try and post something... less clean. Like this. Even when I like it, it still hurts when I do this.

Hm. I was probably going to go somewhere with that train of thought, but heck if I can remember what it is now. Oh well.
I'm tired from this week and want to go to bed.
I think that might be the basic gist...

I push myself to my limits far too much.
Don't believe a word of it, but that's probably what's happening.

Mm. Anyway.
I have a splatfest session with my cousins tonight, so I should probably get to that.
I'll probably feel better tomorrow. A good rest will cure any depressing mood... or so I'm told.

See ya! *picks up controller and prepares to murder the innocent*


  1. Being a perfectionist is rough. I like your art sketches as well. I like the design on that skirt. Looks like a fire skirt.

    1. Perfectionism is indeed rough. I'd ask to uninstall it, but that sounds like too much effort. Far too lazy for that. XD
      The flamey skirt was difficult, but I think it turned out okay. So thank you! :)
