Saturday, January 23, 2021


 This week's been a mixed bag. I've had my highs, and I've had some lows. My anxiety has returned to it's usual hum at the back of my head, but I'm remembering how to live with it again. That's okay. I can deal with that. Even if it is annoying feeling like I can't eat lunch. It's fine.

I've also taken the first (of hopefully many) serious steps to making my dream come true this week! Scared? Oh yeah, a lot. I've never done anything like this before. But I've got time. And I know in the end I'll come out better for it. With any luck I'll have a clearer map to the rocky road that I've decided to travel on over the year.

But enough about that.
Let's get on with the post so we can enjoy the art I've decided is good enough to share tonight.

I wasn't expecting anything special when I sketched this out. Just assumed it was going to be another unfinished doodle in a nameless folder that I'd never look at again.

Instead, it turned into something that.... actually makes me really happy to look at?
It sparks joy. It's not perfect, but I'm proud to call this my creation.

 I missed drawing this idiot. Missed drawing his stupid kangaroo face, short tail and clawed feet.
Just... Aeron taking a second to appreciate the weather, in a time period not his own, and probably thinking weirdly poetic thoughts about the beauty of something as mundane as rain.

He knows it's been done before. He's aware that this moment, and his feelings, aren't special. But he thinks it's still pretty neat anyway.
When you've seen countless marvels of the universe you sometimes have to relearn to appreciate the little things in life.

*sigh* MAN I love this idiot so much. Ruby's disaster son, doin' what few mortals have done before.
By that, I mean cause Minor Problems for the Immortals and do ridiculously bizarre things for the sake of saying you've done them.
Well... one could argue that's what most of the UV cast does. But not on such a large scale.
Few people can claim to have accidentally become Merlin the Wizard For Real while role-playing with a group of crazy Fey. Amongst other things...


  1. Hi, I’m back. Something about your dream, hmm? Interesting, good luck with that! I’m proud of you. <3

    When I forget to check your blog, I start missing your art. I just really like your art style. ;w; I like how you drew the rain over the character. I like how you draw your kangaroo characters. Aww, Aeron. :’)

    1. Hi! Welcome back! And thanks! I'll need all the luck I can get. It's gonna be a rough road, but the stress of trying to convince myself I *shouldn't* be an artist grew too great for my delicate wee soul to take. So I caved, and I'm doing it anyway.
      We'll all see how far I go before I collapse or give up, I guess. XD

      Aw~ Maybe there is something likable about my art style after all! <3 I appreciate you taking the time and energy to comment, btw. It's always easier to just stay silent, so it must mean something when you say stuff like that. Thank you! :)

    2. Of course!! <33

      I keep on forgetting to check Blogspot things, and when I finally remember to check here again, I feel like the least I can do is to read and comment on your recent posts.
