Saturday, January 2, 2021

"Look, I'm not sure what you want me to do about this, Shelly."

A brand new year and a brand new post~ What could be better than that?
Nothing I can currently think of, anyway.

Have some more fanart, because I have literally nothing else to share.

It's been three months and I'm still drawing Pokemon art for my sister. This shocks me.

I think it's because every time I try and draw for myself I end up being depressed? But drawing for someone else is far easier, for they are less critical of my art and are easily satisfied.
*shrug* Who knows. Either way, I'm drawing a lot, so I'm not seeing this as a bad thing.

I ride the wave until it washes me ashore. Then I go forth and catch another wave!
The cycle of hyper fixation is a wonderful and exciting one. :)

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