Sunday, August 2, 2015

Bk2 Ch.2 Hide! - part2

The Vampire gang dashed through the trees, trying to escape the UnMythics chasing them.

Ruby: Split up! Maybe we can shake them off if we go separate ways!

Sapphire: It's worth a shot!

Midnight: Fine, but whatever you do don't get lost! Rule number six of the M.O.S.T. guild, if your partners gets lost, or caught, you don't come back for them!

Sunshine: Harsh...

Midnight: This is a harsh world - deal with it!

Sapphire whistled to Mora to follow after her. They leered to the right and headed nearer to the edge of the forest, and to the meadows.

???: THEY'RE SPLITTING UP!!! Don't let them get away!

Midnight got a burst of speed with Barak and went up ahead, while Ruby and Sunshine sprinted to the right, deeper into the woods. After some time, the footsteps behind them still sounded as they ran through the dark trees.

Sunshine: They're still after us!

Ruby: So I hear...

Sunshine: We can't do this forever, kangaroo

Ruby: Neither can they - they're probably carrying heavy weapons, which will be slow them down at one point or another... especially when chasing young healthy Vampires with only a stick and a bag full of potions!

Sunshine: This isn't a stick!

Ruby: Ok, a staff.

Sunshine shook her head as they continued running. Much to their surprise, the footsteps behind them kept pace with them after a few more minutes.

Ruby: Very persistent, I'll give them that...

Sunshine: At this point, we'll get to the edge of the island before losing them!

Ruby: ... Not without fighting them, we wont! Quickly, cause a distraction!

Sunshine: Wh-

Ruby: Don't argue, just do it!

Sunshine desperately looked around for something, anything, that might get the UnMythics attention. Suddenly, she dug into Ruby's bag, pulled out Fang, and threw up behind her. There was the sound of UnMythics crashing into trees as they continued to speed on.

Sunshine: Sorry, but using the spider was-

Ruby: We can't worry about him now! Quickly, drink this speed potion - we'll get away much faster!

Ruby pulled out a bright blue potion, stopped, and took a drink. She quickly gave it to Sunshine, who did the same

Ruby: Have you ever been at super speed?

Sunshine: I'm a cheetah... it doesn't last for long, but we are capable of doing it. Why?

Ruby: Prepared for ultra sonic speed!

Like a flash, Ruby took off deeper into the forest. A few moments later, she felt Sunshine behind her.

Meanwhile, Sapphire and Mora were scrambling up a mountain, trying hard to keep out of sight.

Sapphire: This was a stupid plan... Why on earth did we split up?!

Mora just yipped in reply, leaping on ledges after Sapphire.

Sapphire: Heh. Whatever you just said, I have no idea... but, I guess the dragon knows what he's doing.

Mora wagged her tail and jumped on Sapphire's back. She continued climbing, as the moon rose higher in the pitch black sky.

Sapphire: I wonder what happening to the others...

Mora whimpered. Sapphire looked up, hearing noises behind her - and it was getting louder!

Sapphire: No time to wonder! We better get moving, Mora!

Sapphire desperately tried to look for a way up, but failed. Finally, she spotted a ledge, with a hedge planted to the side of it.

Sapphire: It better keep us safe!

Sapphire slid down towards the ledge, trying to keep as quiet a possible. She crept into the bush and pulled Mora in.

Sapphire: (whispering) Now, let's just hope they don't notice us... keep quiet, Mora!

They stayed silent as the sounds got closer, Sapphire held her breath. Suddenly, someone grabbed her arm and pulled her out.

UnMythic Soldier: Who are you? Identify yourself!

Sapphire: Your worst nightmare!

Sapphire kicked the UnMythic in the chest, while Mora leaped out of their hiding place and bit his leg. He tumbled down the mountain, while Sapphire and Mora tried to climb up even higher.

???: Stop that Vampire!

Sapphire: (thinking) Well, it's a good thing they don't think I'm one of them... I guess...

???: Don't let it get away!

Sapphire: I'm not an it!

Sapphire picked up the closest thing (which was a rock) and threw it towards the nearest warm body - which hit him square in the face.

Sapphire: I have feelings, y'know!

Mora barked in agreement. The voice laughed back at her, making a motion to come closer.

???: You freaks almost destroyed us hundreds of years back in cold blood - I don't think you do...

The strange figure charged towards Sapphire, and pushed her. She lost balance, and started to fall down the rocky hill. Mora howled, as she too was kicked off the cliff after her master.


  1. What about Fang? T ;)

  2. //read this earlier today- like I always do// Love that suspense! :O
