Sunday, August 9, 2015

One of Life's Interruptions

Family duty calls.  An 800km trek south to celebrate my Nan's 75th birthday.  Hopefully will be back within the week.


  1. Have fun celebrating! :D

    Are these new characters in UV? (Well, besides Fang of course.)

    1. Squidge and Tingaling are moshlings, meaning they come from a game (that I still play... just) called Moshi Monsters. Lucky is my Dog Puffle from Club penguin, Blue and Iskra (although in their younger days) are from my Pokemon Black2 game.

      And Duke is.... well, an Eevee from my Pokemon Y game. He (alongside Fang) breaks the fourth fall a lot. (His hidden power is ghost, and he's Quirky. Might have something to do with it...) :)

    2. Ohh ok that makes much more sense considering how different from AJ stuff they all look. :P

    3. I pkay Club Penguin too!!! -D6

  2. OMG. another one who likes Moshi Monsters. I barely play but I will get on at some point XD -D6

  3. Haha, yup. I just make sure my Diavlo's happy, and check if there's any new mesages before I zoom off to play another game.

    It's been a few years since Moshi Monsters have done anything new! Sure, they add the odd moshlings every now and then, but no new missions or games or... anything else! Until they get their act together, that's pretty much all I'm doing.

  4. I am an Aussie :3 AUSSIES RULE (Or will soon)

  5. I have an idea for what happens next, Sapphire's mum can dash in and be like:
    Sapphire! Where were you i've been looking all over for you! Don't you know that it is dangerous to be wandering out in this war?
    Men: Stand back, it's a vampire
    Mum: She is not, she is my daughter!
    Men: Oh, sorry madam..

    1. Unless Sapphire's mother has amazing tracking skills, survival instincts, and a knack for finding lost children with a Dragon in a forest, that would be great! :)

    2. Well she IS veryy protective.
