Monday, August 17, 2015

Bk2 Ch.3 Tunnels! - part1

Ruby and Sunshine continued to dash through the forest, trying not to trip over roots and branches. Suddenly, they came across a tall wall.

Sunshine: ... This must be a village!

Fang: How can you tell?

Ruby banged on the wall, and waited. A face suddenly showed from the other side, surprised to see them.

???: Ruby? What are you doing here?

Ruby: Ah, a cousin of mine I suspect.

The figure whistled, and a hidden gate opened nearby.

???: Come in, quickly! Before any of those UnMythics come here!

They dashed in, to see another figure. It came out of the shadows, revealing an orange kangaroo. The one on the wall jumped down, showing a green kangaroo.

Ruby: Hello Emerald, Citrine.

Citrine tackled Ruby to the ground, obviously happy to see her.

Citrine (orange kangaroo): Ruby! Do you have any idea how long it's been since we've last seen each other?!

Ruby: Unfortunately not, my dear crazy cousin.

Citrine: Three years, five months, eight days, and forty seven minutes! 

Emerald (green kangaroo): Citrine, I don't think any of us really care.

Fang scurried up to Citrine. He waved at her, and she waved back. She got off Ruby and picked him up.

Citrine: (to the narrator) Very specific. I like you!

Fang: You'll only like him when he's not saying anything, I'm afraid.

Emerald: Enough small talk. We need to get back to the hideout!

Sunshine: What hideout?

Citrine: Hello~! UnMythics declaring war on us, need to hide before we die - where have YOU been?

Sunshine: Somewhere else...

???: Emerald! Citrine! Is everything alright?

Citrine: Yes, Moon. We're alright! Just our cousin and her friend.

Suddenly, a loud explosion sounded off in the distance. And then another. Everyone look up. A bright cloud started to fall down, and a wind started to blow towards them.

Emerald: What's that?

Citrine grabbed Emerald's arm, and start to drag her towards the center of the village.

Emerald: By the way you're pulling me to safety, I believe it's danger.

Sunshine: Didn't you hear that?

Emerald said nothing, so this time Sunshine faced Emerald and yelled right at her.

Sunshine: I said, DIDN'T YOU HEAR THAT?!

Emerald: No, I didn't. Can't hear at all, actually.

She pointed to her ears, and shook her head.

Emerald: I'm deaf. Couldn't hear an Ice Giant smashing mountains, whatever that means.

Before Sunshine could reply, Ruby pushed her along after the others.

Sapphire, Midnight and Barak were hiding up in the tree's, resting for a bit while Barak healed Sapphire's injuries.

Barak: You're lucky your feet aren't broken.You could've been more hurt.

Sapphire: I guess, but it wasn't really much of a "Soft landing".

Midnight: I would've been there to break your fall, but then I would probably have a broken back.

Barak: Broken backs are worst then sore feet.

Midnight: For some people.

Barak continued healing Sapphire in silence. They heard crunching sounds below them, and saw some UnMythic soldiers walking beneath them. Barak stopped, and remained quiet. They could hear them talking as they walked past.

UnMythic 1: The boss said this was the way they went?

UnMythic 2: Dunno, Joe. All the trees look alike, from the leaves to the roots. Can't tell one place in a forest to another.

UnMythic 3: And not to mention no footprints! You think they'd give us an easier time by staying on the ground, eh?

UnMythic 1: To be frank, I don't blame them. Who wouldn't want to run from us? We're going to rule this island in a few years, most likely!

UnMythic 3: Still, I wish they'd make our job a little easier. First guarding Vampires in prison, being told we have to go to war, and now looking for a bunch of bat kids!

UnMythic 2: Well, we were warned that they were trying to get to some tall mountain to unleash the Ultimate defense. We wouldn't want them turning the tides on us.

Sapphire and Midnight looked at each other in shock - not believe what they were hearing.

UnMythic 3: True. Can't argue with that.

UnMythic 1: Then let's do our job and look for them.

They continued to walk by, while Midnight, Sapphire and Barak hid in the shadows of the trees. After the UnMythics left, Sapphire hissed to Midnight.

Sapphire: (whispering) Someone's been betraying us!

Midnight: ... Don't look at me! Why would I help the enemy?

Sapphire: Don't worry, I don't suspect you... much. I just think that Sunshine character might be the one...

Midnight: Wait, who's sunshine?

Sapphire: The white cheetah that came along with us... Wait, didn't anyone tell you?!

Midnight: No, there was always something interrupting!

Sapphire: Ok, I'll ignore that for now. But for now, we need to get reunited with the Ruby. Barak, any other fun secrets that you can share with us?

Barak thought for a moment before replying.

Barak: Well, I won't be able to learn how to read into the future until I'm at least a hundred years old, I can barely fly, because of my injured wing... I can heal a little, but... I think I can...

Barak's eyes lit up, and Sapphire's eyes changed colour.

Sapphire: Barak, what are you doing?

Barak: I'm looking through your eyes.

Sapphire: What?

Barak: I can see everything you see.

Sapphire's eyes returned to normal, and Barak's stopped glowing.

Midnight: Well, what are you waiting for?

Barak concentrated for a minute before his eyes lit up again.

Sapphire: ... What can you see, o wise one?

Barak: ... Almost nothing... it's pitch black where Ruby's at! Hang on, I think I can activate Ruby's lesser night vision...

Barak's eyes glowed a little brighter, as he tried to figure out where Ruby and Sunshine were.


  1. I knew Sunshine was a shady character. :) I think, maybe..

  2. Apart from some grammatical errors, great chapter/part! I really like your new book so far, and I can see the improvement from the first book to this one.

    1. My Co Author spell checks my writing, and makes sure everything is in check. He/She would have done it last night, but they went to bed before I posted this.

      Originally, I wasn't planning for UV to be a book. Just some minor stories about spying and stuff, hence the name. But then things started to get serious, and one of my family members said "where is this going"? And from then on we started talking more about plot.

      This is just a sketch version of what I want to write when I get older. Once I've figured out whats what, and so on... everything will be better and make much more sense. Not to mention the characters more realistic.

      Even I don't know where this is going - but as I said, this is just a beta version. The real one will come out when I'm ready! :)

    2. Oh okay. Just said that because I saw "pacific" when it should've been "specific"... I'm kinda tight when it comes to grammar.. ^-^'

      Oh, same! I mean with my blog story. I, as well, wasn't that serious with the chapters and did it for fun or something. But as months and a year passed, I've been thinking to create parts of the story more... seriously in a way. And now I'm thinking the plot of the 2nd story up. Oh and if I edit/change tons of details (like how it's originally AJ based), I might think of doing some serious, legitimate edits so I could possibly think of making it an actual book series. (One of the things that's, um changed in me, is now I'm thinking more and more about being a writer when I'm older. Hehe..). So... yeah. Pretty similar with ya!

      Good luck with the rest of your and your co-author's writings, Applestorm! :)

      ~ Cutepups

  3. r u Aussie? and f u a boy? :i

  4. sorry for that comment that said f u, it is supposed to say r u. Not meant to be rude, my keybaord on my phone is so small 7:T

    1. That's ok! And yes, I'm Aussie. To clarify, I'm female, but a bit of a tomboy (also allergic to makeup)

    2. I dont understand makeup at all. Makes u look creepy.

    3. I would have to agree with you. I think many girls think that they need to be "pretty" or something (whatever that means), so they put on pastel powder and other things on their faces.

      It's a waste of time, and it cost trees. You could have gotten candy with that money!

    4. I like video games. I am a bit anti social.

  5. What! Emerald!? DEAF?!
    That got me.
    But then, how could she still 'hear' what Sunshine said?
    Also support the Kindness Campaign.

  6. ...Oh. I'm sorry, I half-remembered about this blog, but completely stopped reading it since we started to settle down after moving. Right. Moving. It had happened several times before in my life, and after each move was a big change of schedule. One of those is quitting Cupcake, then deleting my account only just to get a new account later on, redesigning my email totally, and this, but I'm really sorry, and the story seems to be going as interesting! ^-^

    1. No problem! Moving can get... "hectic", on best of terms.

      While I miss reading Cupcake, I know you'll create something brand new that's just as fun to read! :)

    2. Your back! I don't actually know you but I think you quit since your profule couldn't be found.
