Monday, August 24, 2015

Bk2 Ch.3 Tunnels! - part2

Citrine led Ruby and Sunshine to the middle of the empty town. They came across a huge trapdoor, hidden by leaves and dirt. Citrine and Emerald lifted it up, revealing some makeshift stairs.

Citrine: Down here! We'll be safe from the cinnamon until it clears up in half an hour.

They hurried down the steps, and into a dark tunnel. They walked on for a few minutes, before Ruby's eyes suddenly adjusted to the darkness, and more.

Sunshine: How long is this tunnel?

Ruby: ... I think round about a few more minutes walk.

Citrine: Probably yes... How did you know?

Ruby: My night vision just kicked in, and I can see the end of the tunnel.

Sunshine: Strange... I still can't see anything.

Citrine: And remember Ruby, it's a fact that you get your night vision activation the slowest out of all of us!

Ruby: I thought that was Diamond...

Citrine: No, Diamond's the weakest.

Emerald: I have no idea what you guys are talking about, but I'm sure it's interesting.

Fang: It's not, don't worry.

Sunshine: Wait, I thought she was deaf... how does she know we're talking?

Citrine: I think she's feeling the vibrations. A bit like a bat, I guess.

Ruby: Grandma also says that her other senses are better then ours - she can see a lot further and has better agility than all of us cousins put together.

Sunshine: That makes sense, I guess. One sense gets cut off, the others get stronger.

Suddenly, the tunnel became wider, until they came to a wide room that seemed to be empty. A wolf figure came out of the shadows to greet them.

Moon (pink wolf): Hey, Citrine, Emerald! We're glad you're ok.

Citrine: Why wouldn't we be? We're not little kids anymore - you don't have to keep worrying about us.

Moon: Sorry, I can't help it... Who are your friends?

Citrine: Ruby's my cousin from EverWinter village, and... I don't know the cheetah.

Ruby: This is Sunshine, one of my companions going with me to the tallest mountain on the island.

Moon: You must tell us about it! Lupin, quick! Light a lamp!

A shadow moved in the darkness and lit a lamp that seemed to fill the whole room with light. Many Vampires and other animals were revealed from the invisible wall of darkness.

Ruby: Is all of your village in here?

Emerald: No, but more then half. Our village may not be strong, but we know how to dig tunnels and passageways in no time at all! The rest of us have been digging towards other villages to get information on the UnMythic takeover.

Ruby: Oh yeah... I remember it was you and Citrine playing pranks on us whenever we tried to visit!

Citrine: You were easy to fool, so we couldn't miss those chances!

Moon: So... are you going to...?

Ruby: ... Oh! Yeah, right... You guys want to know whats been happening for the past twenty four hours? Ok...

Ruby started to tell the story, while more explosions sounded above them.

Meanwhile, Midnight, Sapphire and Barak were running through the forest.

Barak: It looked like they were underground, and there was a lot of Vampires... So there must be a village nearby.

Sapphire: Yeah, cool. But how close is "nearby"?

Barak: Maybe a few miles...

Sapphire: ... If you're expecting ME to run all that way without stopping, then you're wrong.

Barak: We'll take rest stops every now and then.

A BOOM sounded off into the distance, making Midnight run faster.

Sapphire: Slow down, blacky! I can't keep up at your pace! My feet are still killing me as it is! And what did I JUST SAY to Barak?!

Midnight: You'll live.

Sapphire: Yeah, but I'll probably never walk again!

Midnight: Don't being over dramatic - you'll be fine!

Sapphire slowed down to a halt, and watched Midnight carry on without her. Barak, realizing Sapphire wasn't following, called to Midnight.

Barak: Midnight, stop! Sapphire-

Midnight: Are you coming or not?

Barak: Yes, but Sapphire has-

Midnight ignored Barak and continued running. The Dragon shook his head as he wandered back to Sapphire.

Sapphire: Impatient, isn't he? What's so big a deal that he practically abandons us?

Barak: I don't know, but I'll see where he's going.

Barak's eyes lit up, and a little way off in the forest, Midnight's changed colour.

Sapphire: ... Well~?

Barak: He's heading towards a village, I think.

Sapphire: Great. Anything else?

Barak: ... Yes!

Barak's eyes resumed normal colour and raced towards Midnight.

Sapphire: ... First Midnight, and now Barak. I have such great friends.

Sapphire got up and slowly followed after the Dragon, not really caring about anything. Mora followed close behind.

Barak tried running faster, and eventually caught up with Midnight. He grabbed his arm, and tried pulling him away from the village.

Midnight: What's the big idea? Can't you see-

Barak: The big cloud of cinnamon coming this way? Yes.

Midnight looked up, surprised. Barak continued trying to push Midnight along.

Midnight: Uh, no. I didn't see that.

Barak: Well, maybe it's a good idea to find somewhere safe until the cinnamon clears up.

Midnight: Where?! We're out in the open, and unless we find some kind of rabbit hole to dive into, I'm probably going to die!

Barak stopped, jumped into the air, and started drilling into the ground.

Midnight: What are you doing?

Barak quickly pushed Midnight into the hole, and quickly covered them up. He breathed a cold fire that sealed the loose dirt in place.

Midnight: ... Ok, now what?

Barak: We wait.

Midnight (already bored) started digging further in, while Barak watched in interest.

Barak: Midnight, can you move out of the way for a second?

Midnight: Whatever you say, Champ.

Midnight moved out of the way. Barak suddenly shot a huge ball of light from his mouth, making a long tunnel into the darkness.

Midnight: What do you think you're doing, you crazy Dragon?!

Barak: I thought you wanted to dig your way to somewhere else, so I gave a little help!

Midnight: A little? That was probably powerful enough to destroy a small mountain!

???: I think there's someone up there!

Suddenly, some faces popped up from the darkness, looking surprised to see Midnight and Barak.

???: ... What are you kids doing here? Don't you know there's a dangerous cloud mere inches above us? Come on, we need to get lower!

Barak (without hesitation) followed the Vampires down into the blackness. Midnight stumbled after them.


  1. (Awesome! BUT you forgot the title for this and part 1. Just reminding you! sorry! Good job!)

    1. ... I thought I forgot something! Thanks for pointing out to me! I'll fix it when I figure out what to call it! :)
