Tuesday, August 11, 2015

Bk2 Ch.2 Hide! - part3

Midnight and Barak were sprinting through the forest, not stopping for anything.

Midnight: Do y'think we lost them?

Barak turned to look, not seeing or hearing anything.

Barak: Maybe... nothing as far as I can tell.

Midnight: Is it safe enough to take a breather?

Barak: ... I think so.

Midnight slowed down to a halt, breathing heavily. Barak lightly jumped beside him, also a little tired.

Midnight: I'm glad those UnMythics stopped chasing us...

Barak: I think they're still after us. Maybe lost our trail, but...

Midnight: Stop talking for a minute, Barak.

Barak: Surrah... (Sorry...)

Everything was quiet, waiting for something to happen. The sound of a leaf falling, a crunch of a twig snapping... apart from that, it was peaceful.

Suddenly, a howl sounded throughout the forest. Midnight got up in an instant.

Midnight: ... I'm assuming you heard that?

Barak: Yes.

Midnight: ... Wanna find out what that was?

Barak: It might put us in more-

But Midnight ignored the Dragon and sprinted towards the noise. Barak sighed before pounding after him.

Sapphire landed on her feet with a jolt of pain. She fell down to her hands, trying to keep back tears of rage, as the UnMythic slid down towards her. She noticed Mora next to her, unharmed from the drop.

???: Not so tough, eh, Vampire scum?

Sapphire dared not open her mouth, for fear of crying was too strong. Mora did the speaking for her though, because she howled like a wolf, and attacked the UnMythic like a savage beast. The UnMythic tried fighting the blood hound off, but she kept coming back, biting viciously.

???: Call your mutt off, before I use a cinnamon bomb on you!

Sapphire smiled at that, still saying nothing.

???: Ok, you asked for it!

The figure got out a bomb, and threw it up into the air. It exploded, and cinnamon floated down, covering the ground in pretty golden dust. Sapphire continued smiling, as Mora sneezed and bounded over to her master. The UnMythic starred, stunned at Sapphire.

???: Why aren't you being affected by the cinnamon?!

She slowly rose to her feet, pain surged through her as she did so. Sapphire finally found her voice, and spoke quietly.

Sapphire: (whispering) Because I'm not a Vampire!

She tackled the UnMythic, knocking him to the ground. She snatched some cinnamon bombs from him, before pushing him back. Just then, she heard Midnight and Barak coming her way.

Sapphire: Don't get any closer, guys - you'll probably die if you do.

Midnight: (from a distance) You know best, mistress Sapphire.

Sapphire: No, seriously. This guy chucked a cinnamon bomb at me, so I might be poisonous for a while. And don't you DARE poke fun at me! I'm not doing this for nothing!

Sapphire punched the UnMythic in the face, while Barak partly flew, partly hopped, over to them, and shoved the UnMythic to the ground.

Barak: You have to go with Midnight, now. I'll catch up with you in a minute!

Barak tossed the UnMythic up into the air, and with a light beam from his mouth, shot him towards the rocky mountains. The Dragon turned to follow Sapphire as she slowly stumbled towards Midnight.

Midnight: What happened to you?

Sapphire: The UnMythic thought it would be a good joke to push me to my death with Mora... thankfully, it wasn't that far from the ground, but man my feet hurt!

Barak: I think I can help...

And so saying so, a light started to shine through Barak's paws, which seem to reflect off Sapphire. She started to feel less pain, when all of a sudden, a firework lit the sky.

Midnight: What was that!?

Barak: ... I think the UnMythic up there is signaling for help!

Sapphire: Better hurry up then, Barak!

Barak suddenly stopped emitting the light, and started pushing Sapphire to the forest.

Sapphire: Wh-

Barak: It's too dangerous here! We have to keep moving!

Midnight: So... we're running away?

Barak: And hiding!

Midnight: Ok... well.. do you think you're up for it Sapphire?

Sapphire: Just because I'm injured, doesn't mean you have the right to treat me like a baby! I'll probably be just fine.

Midnight: Alright, but don't blame me if you get left behind.

They hurried to the dark forest, and away from the open air.

Meanwhile, Ruby and Sunshine continued to dash through the forest. Finally, the speed potion started to wear off, and they slowed down.

Ruby: I think we lost them.

Sunshine: I would be surprised if we didn't!

Just then, something landed on Ruby's shoulder. She skidded to a halt and the thing crashed into a tree. She grabbed the ancient staff Sunshine was holding, and pointed it at the thing.

Fang: ... Ow.

Ruby: Fang! How did you get here? AHEAD OF US?!

Fang got up as Ruby lowered the staff, He jumped onto her shoulder, clearly unamused.

Fang: Never mind that - you have to keep moving!

Ruby: Any reason?

Fang: I spotted the others coming this way, with half a dozen UnMythics on their tails!

Ruby: You flew?

Fang: Well, a bird sorta... maybe picked me up and carried me off... to eat me. So I had a great view!

Ruby: Ok, good to know. Let's continue, then!

Ruby got out the speed potion again, and took a drink. She turned around to offer Sunshine a sip, but she was no where to be found.

Ruby: ... Sunshine! You should know this is no time to explore!

A minute later, Sunshine quickly came around a tree.

Sunshine: Sorry! I, uh... kind of had to go.

Ruby: That's ok, but next time tell me, ok?

Sunshine: Of course.

Sunshine took the potion in Ruby's hand, and drank a sip of it.

Sunshine: Ok... let's go.

They once again took off, not looking back behind them.


  1. Fang, why didn't you just turn the birdd into a sandwhich? :3

    1. Fang's just a simple spider that can talk. He's not THAT powerful or smart. :)

    2. He can turn a crocodile into a sandwich
