Tuesday, April 12, 2016

B4 Ch3 Ocean Palace -part4

With Barak and Fang leaving Sapphire behind, she tried thinking about what to do next. But while she was deciding, the two guards who had spotted her suddenly appeared.

Startled by the guards appearance, Sapphire started attacking the two armed sea creatures. They didn't really fight back much, so she won with almost incredible ease

Sapphire: Are you going to surrender?

Sea Guard 1(grey shark): Surrender? We didn't even come here to fight you!

Sapphire: I'd like to know the reason why you attacked me, then!

Sea Guard 2(green penguin): We didn't attack you! You attacked us!

Sapphire: I did it in self defense. Unlike you...

Sea Guard 1: We had orders not to harm you! And besides, the queen wouldn't like it if we surrendered to you...

Sapphire: You chased me all the way from the palace! And you shouted 'intruder' at me!

Sea guard 2: Our jobs as guards are pretty boring most of the time. Hardly anyone breaks in, so when you came unnanounced, we couldn't resist!

Sea Guard 1: Even if you were invited.

Sapphire folded her arms and gave them an expression that said 'do you think I'm that dumb'?

Sea Guard 2: ... Uh...  It's true, though!

Sapphire: This is all going a bit fast for me. Here I was thinking you wanted to hurt me, and now you tell me I'm practically invited to lunch with the queen. But suppose I did believe you... why would I be invited by the queen?

Sea Guard: We don't know... We're just guards! Do you expect the queen to tell us her every secret and plan to all her subjects?

Sapphire: ...  Fine. I'm curious. Take me to your leader!

Sea Guard 1: Leader?

Sapphire: Leader, chief, ruler, 'majesty... Doesn't matter what you call 'em. They're all the same to me...

Sea Guard 2: ... Well, ok. You stopped attacking us, so... sure. Follow us!

Sapphire: Oh! And if you try to deceive me...

Sapphire cracked her knuckles, and gave them a sly smile. The guards backed off a little, slightly wary of her now.

Sea Guard 1: O-of course not, Great sea witch... Not in a million years! Now, if you'd please follow us?


When they eventually got back to the sea palace, there seemed to be a fair bit of commotion. One of the guards went on ahead to let the queen know of Sapphire's arrival, as the curious blue kangaroo swam down the dozens of pillar.

Sea Guard 2: We do thank you for accepting the queen's invitation to lunch!

Sapphire: Of course you do. Now let's see whether this is real or not...

She heard an echoing voice from a nearby room, with had two huge crystal-like doors which glimmered in the murky sunlight.

Guard 1: You're royal highness, the Sea Witch has kindly accepted your invitation to lunch.

???: Ah, excellent... Send her in!

The great doors opened, allowing Sapphire into a huge sparkling room. When they got to the very end of the room, there was a throne with a shadowy figure sat there.

???: Thank you... You may go.

The two guards bowed and silently swam out of the room, leaving Sapphire alone with the queen.

???: You must be the witch I've heard so much about.

Sapphire: And you must be the queen I've heard so little about.

???: Hmm... A sense of humor, you have.

Sapphire: It's in my nature, although some say it's in my blood. But seriously. I don't even know your name, sea queen.

The figure gave a bubbling laugh, and sprang forward into the sunlight, where Sapphire could clearly see what she was. She was a small-ish swordfish, Sapphire noted, but defiantly had a regale air about her.

Oceania (blue swordfish): Then let me introduce myself... I am Queen Oceania the second, and ruler of the StarDust Ocean! And you are...?

Sapphire: My name is not important.

Oceania: Now now, it's common courtesy to give your name to someone who's told you theirs. So... What is your name, great sea witch?

Sapphire sighed and rolled her eyes.

Sapphire: ... They call me Sapphire.

Oceania: Alright then, lady Sapphire. I'll guess I should tell you why I've invited you.

Sapphire: Not to lunch, I assume?

Oceania: Actually, I thought you might've been a bit hungry... Roaming around the ruins without a clam in your bag, I assumed you'd be interested in my offer.

Sapphire: So you've been spying on me. But you can't have invited me just for that. Surely there's another reason?

The queen sighed and nodded.

Oceania: Yes, there is another reason... I have a little job for you.

Sapphire: A job?

Oceania: Yes. You managed to find what Sea Creatures have been looking for centuries (and so easily, too)! So I believe that you're capable of other amazing things too.

Sapphire: Depends what this job is.

Oceania: Of course, I give you the details later... But for now, why don't you come with me for a little bite?

The swordfish beckoned to Sapphire to follow her into another room. Sapphire hesitated for a moment before swimming after the queen.


  1. When you said 'weary' I think you meant 'wary'. Otherwise wonderful post and well-drawn swordfish!

    1. Yup. I forget to spell-check last night, so thanks for pointing that out!

      And I thank my co-drawer for the lovely swordfish plush!
