Tuesday, April 19, 2016

B4 Ch4 Sea Monster - part2

After Barak and Fang had some lunch on a nearby island, they dived back into the sea to search for Sapphire.

Barak: ... Do you think it was a good idea to leave her all alone?

Fang: I'm sure she's fine!

Barak: But what if she got attacked while we were away?

Fang: She can fend for herself, Barak.

Barak: Not against a two-man army...

Fang tugged at Barak's ears, and pointed at the sandy floor.

Fang: I believe that's her! Downwards, hatchling!

Barak powered down to the sea floor, where Sapphire was waiting impatiently.

Fang: Hi, Sapphire! We were just talking about you!

Sapphire: That's nice.

Barak: Are you mad at us?

Sapphire: A little, but I've got some news for you.

Barak cocked his head, now curious about what was up.

Sapphire: I've just worked out that the gang really is in the queen's palace! And not too happy, by the sounds of it.

Fang: How'd you work that out? Did the queen invite you to lunch?

Sapphire: She did, oddly enough. She even struck a fishy deal with me!

Barak: Fishy deal?

Sapphire: She wants me to locate an item for her.

Fang: Cool! Were going on a treasure hunt!

Sapphire: And if her highness keeps her end of the deal, we could get the others back!

Barak: Then what are we waiting for?

Sapphire: Directions. She never gave any specific details about where this treasure is.

Barak: Oh...

Fang: What did she tell you, then?

Sapphire: Well... She said something about a crack, but I'm not sure.

Barak: Why don't you ask the silver seal-

Sapphire: Otter. He's an otter, Barak.

Fang patted Barak's head, and waved his arm carelessly at Sapphire.

Fang: Don't listen to her, Barak. She's a bad influence on you! And besides, he was clearly a shark.

Sapphire: You have four too many eyes to see clearly, Fang. And who says I'm a bad influence?

Fang: Ruby.

Sapphire: ... Let's finds Silver.

Barak: Ok!


When they arrived at Seatopia again, Sapphire agreed split up with Barak and Fang to search for Silver, the stuttering otter.

Sapphire: Ok, if I were an albino otter trying to hide from everyone, where would I be?

... She found him behind some kelp, and thought it would be fun to scare him. So Sapphire sneaked up from behind and tapped on his shoulder.

Sapphire: Hey, Silver!

Silver jumped forward in alarm, and faced Sapphire, who was trying not to laugh.

Silver: Sapphire! You scared the living daylights out of me!

Sapphire: Sorry, I couldn't resist!

Silver: ... What are you doing here?

Sapphire took a deep breath before asking her question.

Sapphire: I'm here to ask you something...

Silver: Uh... Sure. Ask away!

Sapphire: I was wondering if you could tell me where to find a 'crack' around here...

Silver: Oh! You must mean the Great Crack.

Silver pointed west, giving Sapphire a vague idea of where to look.

Silver: Many meeron's say that the crack was formed by a Dragon champion, who was trying to keep the peace with the other clans! It's quite scary, but it makes a good place to keep hidden treasures!

Sapphire: Cool. In that case, I'll just be getting on my way then...

Sapphire was about to head where Silver had pointed, but he grabbed her arm in alarm.

Silver: Where do you think you're going?

Sapphire: To the Great Crack... Why?

Silver: Bad idea! Do you have any idea what's in there?

Sapphire: Treasure, perhaps?

Silver: No! Well, maybe, but... there are also terrible things lurking in there!

Sapphire waited for him to go on, but he didn't.

Sapphire: ... Such as?

Silver: Just... Terrible things!

Sapphire: ... Not a good enough reason.

Sapphire freed her arm from the otters grip, and tried to swim away again, but he just grabbed hold again.

Silver: Seriously! Don't go!

Sapphire: Nothing has stopped me from going just because it's 'dangerous'. Besides, more is at stake than my life here. Now let go, before you get hurt.

Silver reluctantly let go of her, and Sapphire turned to the direction of the Great Crack.

Silver: ... She's not going to like this.

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