Saturday, April 2, 2016

I can't think of a suitable title

Mmm... busy week for me, but (hopefully) things should get less hectic. But you're not here to hear me complain about life - here's the picture I thankfully managed to get done in time!

... Not bad, eh? I think I'm getting slightly better at drawing humans!


  1. Are you using a different art platform or just a different style? If so, what is it?

    Anyways, the skirt is too unnatural, make it less triangular.

    The legs are a little too big compared to the body. If it's just how you draw legs, try make them look more logically placed.

    The left wing doesn't look right somehow. The left hand also might be unnatural somehow.

    The picture is pretty good to be fair, I've just critisized it more critically than usual. I'm too much of a perfectionist.

    The bottom left side of the head is out of proportion.

    I can't really critisize the shading since I don't know anything about the aspects of shading myself. Perhaps shade the skirt more?

    Should I make this comment extra long by critisizing the character? Nah.

    Okay bye!

    1. I would agree with the hands and legs. Could've done a better job on shading as well, but I have next to no idea how shadows work either.
