Thursday, April 14, 2016

B4 Ch4 Sea Monster - part1

Sapphire and Oceania, the sea queen, were having a little lunch in a large sparkling room. Marble tables were covered in fine dishes, as Sapphire sampled each plate with caution.

Oceania: Do you find the food to your liking?

Sapphire looked thoughtfully at the food before her, and shrugged.

Sapphire: Could be worst. It's a bit... salty, to say the least.

Oceania smiled slightly at Sapphire's comment.

Oceania: The ocean is full of salt.

Sapphire: So I've noticed.

Oceania stopped at one table, and clapped her fins for some nearby servants to take them away. They did so silently, and Oceania looked at Sapphire seriously.

Oceania: Ok. Let's get down to business!

Sapphire swallowed her mouth full of food, thankful for an excuse to stop eating. As hungry as she was, the food wasn't to her liking.

Oceania: I'm aware of the achievement you accomplished recently, so that's why I've invited you here.

Sapphire: I got that much of the memo, but why? Surely there are people you trust more, who are also more reliable then me to do this 'job'!

Oceania: Oh, I've tried. Everyone I've asked has failed to get what I want. I'm getting desperate...

Sapphire: Fair enough. But before we continue, can you at least tell me what I'm after?

Oceania: I'm afraid I can't. All that you need to know is that the treasure is in a cave only a a short swim from the Great Crack.

Sapphire: ... What's the catch?

Oceania: All my clients have claimed that a dangerous monster who breaths ice is guarding the treasure, and freezes anyone who gets too close.

Sapphire: That makes things more difficult... But what do I get out of all of this?

Just at that moment, a sea guard rushed in and handed something to the queen.

Sea Guard (green crocodile): Message from the S.A.L.T gang, your honor.

Oceania quickly read the message and gave a frustrated sigh.

Oceania: You'll have to excuse me for a minute, lady Sapphire...

The queen and the guard both left the room hastily, leaving Sapphire on her own.


Meanwhile, in another hallway in the palace...


A dozen or so sea creatures were chasing after an escaped slave, who was trying his best to swim away without much success.

???: It wont be much of a loss if they catch me, but where on earth did they put Cole?

The escaped creature burst through a nearby door, and stopped dead in his tracks when he saw a blue kangaroo, floating around the table. They locked eyes and both raced towards each other.

The escapee was expecting a hug... Instead, he got punched in the face.

Sapphire: MIDNIGHT! What on earth are you doing here?

Midnight (black cheetah): I could say the same to you. But what that punch really necessary?

Sapphire: Yes! I was worried sick, wondering where you were! What happened?

Midnight: Everything! The ship was attacked, we got kidnapped by a bunch of fishy creatures, we didn't know where you, Barak or Fang ended up, and-

Sapphire: Where are the others?

Midnight: I dunno. I just recently escaped!

Sapphire: From where?

Before he could answer a bunch of guards burst through another door, and all of them pointed their spears at him.

Sea Guard: Alright then, shrimp! We got you now!

Before Sapphire could stop them, they pushed him away and out of sight.


Sapphire: ... Right. So now I know they should be all ok. Just how to get them back is the question...

And just then, the queen came back, looking slightly frustrated.

Oceania: I do apologize for that... there was a little problem that I had to take care of.

Sapphire gave the queen suspicious look, but said nothing. The queen got back to the table, before resuming to where they had left their conversation.

Sapphire: You want this treasure, and I get that. But what do I get out of this?

Oceania: Assuming you get what I want? You're reward will be pleasing me, your queen.

Sapphire gave the queen an astonished looked, wondering whether she was joking.

Sapphire: I want an actual prize. Like... maybe some of your slaves?

Oceania: I beg your pardon?

Sapphire: You heard me.

The swordfish stayed silent, obviously not very pleased with Sapphire's suggestion.

Oceania: ... I'm grateful for you healing my son, but not that grateful.

Sapphire: Fine. No deal, then.

Oceania: Are you sure you don't want anything else? Wealth? Power? Anything?

Sapphire: Nope! Just a couple of your 'servants' of my pick. Nothing more, nothing less.

Oceania: But they're very valuable to me! A gift from S.A.L.T!

Sapphire: I don't care where they come from! Either I get some slaves as a reward, or I'm not doing this job at all. Your choice...

Sapphire waited for an answer, and after a few minutes Oceania gave in.

Oceania: Very well. You shall have your way.

Sapphire: Thank you. I'll see what I can do. Good day, then...

Sapphire left the table and headed for the door. She had plans to discuss with Fang and Barak.

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