Thursday, April 21, 2016

B4 Ch4 Sea Monster - part3

When Barak and Fang were reunited with Sapphire, they headed towards the Great Crack to search for the Queen's treasure. When they got there, however, Barak hesitated.

Barak: Uh... Do we have to go down there?

Sapphire: Probably, yes.

Barak: But it's so... dark.

Sapphire: Yeah. So?

Barak inched backwards, while Sapphire dived right in.

Fang: You've never been afraid of the dark before, Barak! What's wrong this time?

Barak: I feel like there's something down there...

Fang: Well, if there is, you can fight it!

Barak: Are you sure?

Fang: Yes. Now, shed some light on the situation, if you please!

Barak shot some balls of light down into the dark, lighting up the way a bit. Fang tapped Barak's head and pointed towards Sapphire, who was trying to find anything remotely like a cave. The small Dragon pushed off the sandy edge and glided towards Sapphire.

Fang: So... What are we looking for again?

Sapphire: I don't know! Look for a cave, a hidden passageway, anything that could potentially be a tunnel of sorts!

Barak swam further down, and started searching for an entrance.


After hours of searching, Barak, now exhausted, gave up and sat down on a nearby ledge. He and Fang watched Sapphire as she continued in vain to search for a cave.

Barak: It's been ages, and we've still found nothing!

Fang: Yup. I'm starting to think we might be looking in the wrong place!

Barak stretched out and accidentally knocked over a few rocks, with in turn landed on a huge boulder. Sapphire turned around in alarm, and saw the boulder drop into the darkness. Where the big rock used to be appeared a tunnel instead.

Sapphire: ... Good job, Barak! Even though it was an accident...

Fang: You're going in, right?

Sapphire: You better believe it.

Sapphire plunged into the dark hole, and was out of sight in a few seconds.

Barak: Do we have too?

Fang: If we want to make sure she's going to be safe, yes.

Barak whined but followed Sapphire into the darkness.


As Sapphire swam down the long tunnel, she hoped this would be the place where the 'treasure' was kept. Just as she started to gain speed, the passageway split into to ways. They had to halt.

Sapphire: Two directions, one right, one wrong (unless they both lead the same way)... Ok, I'll go left, you guys go right.

Barak: Ok!

Sapphire: Don't get lost, because I won't come back to look for you.

Sapphire darted down the left tunnel and into more darkness. She hoped there wasn't anything dangerous, but then again, she had Barak (sorta) close by.

Sapphire: ... Man, why is it so dark down here?

???: Usually it scares timid intruders out.

Sapphire froze, because she was pretty sure that sounded nothing like Fang or Barak.

??? (strange creature): Who are you, sea creature?

Sapphire: I could say the same thing to you, mysterious monster.

???: Do you know who I am?

Sapphire: If I did, I'd give you more disrespect, but I have no idea who you are.

???: And I have no wish to tell you.

Sapphire: Well that's a shame, because I was hoping you'd tell me where to find a treasure of some sort...

The invisible monster snarled at Sapphire, before slowly asking the question...

???: ... What kind of treasure were you hoping to find, sea creature?

Sapphire shrugged, and folded her arms defensively.

Sapphire: I don't know. I just follow orders, apparently. But I was told that the treasure was theoretically around here somewhere...

The sea monster started to growl softly, making Sapphire step back a little.

???: You are here to steal from me?

Sapphire: Maybe... Either way, it's for a good cause!

Sapphire noticed that her statement didn't seem to help the situation at all. The huge creature came closer, and Sapphire could see two glowing eyes, with an angry look in them.

???: Get out of my cave!

The dragon started shooting something at her, making Sapphire dart backwards and into a wall.

Sapphire: BARAK! Get your tail over here, there's a monster trying to kill me!

Sapphire ducked out of the way just as the creature shot another ball of invisible threat at her. She tried to retreat back where she had came from, but couldn't find the exit.

But Barak charged at the unknown monster, knocking it to the sandy floor of the cave. Barak quickly retreated a short distance, waiting for the sea beast to make its move.

Fang: Don't just stand here, Barak! Fire!

Barak shot some light balls, blinding everyone in the small cave. The huge creature which had been harassing Sapphire stumbled backwards, but soon recovered from the brightness. Just as the creature was about to attack again, it noticed Barak and stopped dead in it's tracks.

???: A Dragon hatchling? I haven't seen or heard another Dragon in years... Who are you, young one?

Barak tired to hide behind Sapphire, but the older Dragon gently pulled him closer.

Fang: (Go on! Tell her your name!)

Barak: I-I'm.... uh... I'm Barak! Are... you a Dragon?

???: Yes, I am. Barak... An uncommon name, but very fitting for one such as you... What clan do you come from? Why are you so far away from the Dragon Islands? What are you doing with a sea creature?

Barak looked really confused, but Fang piped up for him.

Fang: Clan? Dragon Islands? He doesn't know any of that kinda stuff, mate! He was hatched at the beginning of a Vampire war!

???: Vampires? In that case you must be the Dragon Champion we sent to protect the Vampires a thousand years ago!

Sapphire: You've heard of him, then?

???: Of course I have! Every Dragon has at least heard of the tale! I just didn't think I'd live to meet him...

The ancient Dragon sat there in wonderment, looking at Barak

Barak: So... you won't freeze Sapphire?

???: ... No.

Barak relaxed, while the older Dragon got up and faced Sapphire. Fang pushed off Barak, and got nearer to the sea Dragon.

Fang: What's your name, anyway?

Hydra (blue Dragon): They called me Hydra, back in my clan. But why don't I make up for attacking your friend, and invite you in? If you're hungry, I'm sure I can get some fish!

Sapphire: Uh... Sure. We'll take you up on that offer.

Hydra: Follow me.

The big sea Dragon swam off deeper into the underwater caverns, and Sapphire decided to follow. Barak reluctantly trailed after them, wondering if this was a good idea or not.

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