Thursday, March 31, 2016

B4 Ch3 Ocean Palace -part3

Sapphire and Barak, after much searching, they eventually found something that looked like a palace. They dived into a nearby kelp forest and tried figure out if this was worth their time.

Fang: Do you see all those clowns in armor, Sapphire?

Sapphire: I'm assuming they're guards, protecting whoever is inside... This has to be the place.

Barak: Then what are we waiting for? Let's go!

Barak prepared for a speedy entrance, but Fang tugged at his ear.

Fang: No. Me and Sapphire go in alone - you stay up here in case we get into trouble.

Sapphire: I guess you're right. Who knows what damage you could cause in there!

Fang: See? Sapphire agrees with me.

Sapphire: Actually, I was talking about you.

Barak snickered slightly as Fang looked at Sapphire with mock innocent eyes.

Fang: Me? Cause trouble for you? Never.

Sapphire: For at least five minutes. In any case, let's see what we can find out!

Barak: Are you sure I can't go?

Sapphire: Yes. Besides, if you get caught, they might try to do... weird things with you.

Barak: Ok... In that case, good luck!

Fang: Who needs luck when we have skill?

Sapphire: Sounds like something Midnight would say.

Fang: Well, he isn't here, so I have to fill out some lines for him.

Fang grabbed hold of Sapphire's arm, and they stealthily swam their way into the palace.


As Sapphire and Fang sneaked around the marble floors, trying not to be spotted by anyone passing by, she kept wondering if Ruby could be close by.

Sapphire: So... Any idea where they could possible be, Fang?

Fang: I didn't really think this through, so... No. I have no idea

Sapphire: And here I was hoping you'd actually be useful. Oh well... at least this is a pretty cool place to be in.

Fang: I've seen better.

Sapphire: Oh really?

Fang: Yes! Grandma's garden!

Sapphire: More like graveyard...

Fang: We all have personal tastes, and I prefer the garden graveyard over... whatever they call this underwater fort.

Just then, a purple tiger appeared from around the corner. Her face darkened when she saw Sapphire, and started to back away.

??? (purple tiger): How dare you come into the queen's palace!

Sapphire: I dare, but only for some answers.

Fang: Do you have any idea where they keep the Vampire prisoners?

The tiger hesitated before answering coldly.

???: ... I do, but what's it to you?

Fang waved his arm carelessly.

Fang: None of you're business, young lady.

Sapphire: Hang on there, Fang. Why not?

Fang: It's dangerous enough that we allowed Barak to wait outside, in the open waters waiting for us, we don't need to be any more reckless.

Sapphire: Since when are you ever sensible?

Fang: ... Hardly ever?

Sapphire: Exactly, so I have no reason to listen to you... Y'see, uh...

Polly (purple tiger): ... It's Polly. Or, more accurately, was...

Sapphire: Right. Y'see, Polly, we're looking for some Vampire slaves, who happen to be friends of ours... Know anything about that?

Polly: Of course! I'm a former slave, so I know a thing or two about Vampire slaves.

Sapphire: Great! Can you tell us where they keep them?

Polly: I can't do that, I'm sorry.

Fang: Why not?

Polly: I've sworn obedience to the queen, and if I break it... well, it isn't very pleasant.
Sapphire: You get kicked in the shin?

Polly: Worst. They break my spell.

Sapphire: Spell? Like your sea charm?

The tiger nodded, and pointed to the seashell amulet hanging from her neck.

Polly: Since we're so deep underwater, it's impossible to go back to the surface without drowning. Even with help.

Sapphire: So why not do it at the surface?

Polly: That's the thing - all of us Vampires are bound to this place - move more then a few hundred sharks away from the sorcerer keeping the spell on you, and it breaks...

Fang: And you can't take this sorcerer with you?

Poppy: He's being kept in a guarded room, watched all hours of the day, never let out.

Fang: So even if the sorcerer wanted to help, he couldn't.

Sapphire: Hmm... This got tricky. How are we suppose to free everybody without drowning them?

Fang: We can work out the details later. For now-

Poppy suddenly darted behind a nearby statue.

Sapphire: Hey, what are you...?

And a few seconds later, some armed sea creatures came racing towards them, armed with pointy swords.

Sea Guards: INTRUDERS!!!

Fang: ... We should get out of here.

Sapphire: For once, I agree.


Meanwhile, Barak was waiting for Sapphire and Fang to come back out of the palace.

Barak: ... What's keeping them?

Suddenly, there seemed to be a lot of noise somewhere in the building. Barak tried to get a closer look, when he noticed Sapphire swimming out of the palace quite quickly. He also noticed a bunch of sea creatures following her, and decided to put a stop to it.

He rushed towards Sapphire and grabbed hold of her hand and just like slow lightning, they were miles away from the ocean palace.

... Eventually they stopped, and Barak crashed into the sand and dropped Sapphire.

Barak: Did I do good?

Sapphire: Give me a second... I think I lost my stomach back in another life...

Barak: Do you want me to go and fetch it?

Sapphire: ... No. I think I'll be ok. Just don't do that ever again without asking me first.

Barak: Ok! Oh, and... What was that?

Sapphire: A two man army...

Barak: Did you learn anything new?

Fang: A little. It's better than none, I guess.

Barak: ... What's the plan now?

Sapphire: We-

Fang: We get something to eat! I'm starving!

And before Sapphire could stop them, Fang grabbed hold of Barak's ear and directed him to the surface. They both zoomed off, leaving her behind in a cloud of sand.


  1. "after eventually found something" doesn't make sense.

    1. I would've spell checked it for mistakes, but I was stressed and tired (it's been a hectic week for me) with projects for this month (and future months), not to mention family coming over shortly for reasons, and... yeah. You get the picture.

      Thanks for pointing that out, though! I probably wouldn't have bothered to check for mistakes without someone mentioning it!

    2. Uhhhh... No problem! Good luck on your... Assesments!

  2. Polly turned into Poppy half way through. Both are cool names though...
