Tuesday, March 22, 2016

B4 Ch2 Salty Sickness -part3

Sapphire returned to surface as soon as she could, and headed towards the island. Once she got there, she trudged up the sandy bank and waited for Barak and Fang to come back.
Eventually, after an hour of waiting, Barak landed back on the island. He and Fang seemed surprised to see her.

Barak: Sapphire! What are you doing here?

Sapphire: Waiting for you! You took your sweet time getting back.

Fang: We didn't know you'd be waiting. I bet the farm it's not even eleven in the morning yet!

Barak: Why would you-

Sapphire: It's dumb, Barak. We don't actually have a farm!

Barak: Then what's the reason why you're here?

Sapphire: Well, I tried to get information about where Ruby could be, and... long story short, I ended up deciding to help the Sea Creatures cure a disease called BlackBlood.

Fang: And?

Sapphire: They need something called Cloud Crystals.

Barak: Cloud Crystals?

Sapphire: I'm assuming they're crystals that form in clouds.

Fang: As a matter of fact, you're right!

Sapphire bluntly stared at Fang disbelieving.

Sapphire: How do you know?

Fang: Easy! Clouds Crystals can be formed from a Dragon's breath, so... Barak! Fly up and go nuts.

Barak: Uh... Ok?

Fang jumped off Barak's back, while the Dragon spread his wings out and took off into the clouds.

Sapphire: Fang, how do you know about these things? It's like all of a sudden you're... smart.

Fang: I read about crystals in a book in Grandma's library.

Sapphire: Cool! I might want to read that when we eventually get home-


Small shiny crystals started falling like rain from above, falling onto the island and into the sea. In one particular area, the crystals almost formed a small island.

Barak quietly flew back to Sapphire and Fang, trying to avoid their glances.

Barak: ... do you think I made too much? It was an accident - honest!

Sapphire: It's fine, Barak. Quite hilarious, if anything! Now "BlackBlood" will be a thing of the past for the Sea Creatures. Although, Cloud Crystals are now going to be cheaper than sand... But never-mind. I'll just take a handful and deliver it them.

Sapphire picked up a few of the sparkling gems and jumped back into the sea.


When Sapphire eventually got back to Seatopia, she quickly found Silver, who was with Calypso the penguin. Sapphire shoved the bight crystals into Silver's hands.

Silver: Are those...?

Sapphire: Cloud crystals.

Silver: T-thank you! We thank you from the bottom of our-

Sapphire: Yes, yes. You're welcome, and all that stuff. Now go and deliver them - the public needs them!

Silver: Yes, of course! I'll go and tell Wave right away! He'll be so surprised!

Silver swam away as fast as he could, leaving Sapphire satisfied. Calypso looked at Sapphire in astonishment.

Calypso: How did you get those crystals?

Sapphire: Let's just say I have friends in high places.


  1. "high places"

    I'm surprised no one got knocked out by any of the crystals.

    1. Cloud Crystals are quite small, really. It would probably only feel like rain falling twice the speed it usually goes!

    2. Oh. I imagined them being the same size as Barak (in drawing form)
