Tuesday, March 1, 2016

B4 Ch1 Sea Salt -part3

Sapphire drummed her fingers against her arm as she waited for an answer from S.E.A. Finally, after a minute of mute whispering, they turned to face Sapphire, obviously trying to hide something.

Coral: So, uh... Yeah. We think we know where the Vampires- I mean, your cousin is, and...-

Aqua: We agree to help you on the condition that you lead us, and only us, to this island of Vampires!

Sapphire: Sounds doable. But I want my cousin back first!

Aqua: Of course, of course... But they're probably in S.A.L.T headquarters.

Sapphire: Another raiding gang?

Ink: Yup. But they're more "popular", then us, so they have tighter security, patrols, supporters... everything we don't have, basically.

Sapphire: And is that a problem?

Coral: Yes! They always get to the prize first, and leave us with nothing but an empty ship!

Sapphire sighed pointed to the exit tunnel.

Sapphire: Can we get on with it?

Ink: Uh, right...


Once they were out in the open waters again, the group headed straight for Seatopia. When they reached the outskirts of the city, there appeared to be quite the commotion.

Sapphire: What's going on up there?

Ink: Either it's a wild shark attack, or-... oh.

Coral and Aqua: What?

The pink squid pointed towards an upcoming crowd, and Coral and Aqua got it. The red shark gave an exasperated sigh.

Aqua: We should've known it was the S.A.L.T squad, throwing a party about their big catch.

Sapphire noticed one sea creature that seemed to be taking in all the glory. She frowned as the thought came across her mind.

Sapphire: They must've been the ones that took Ruby and the crew... They don't look as tough as I imagined.

Ink: Maybe not, but behind that soft feathery face is a sharp eye and a toxic mouth, ready to poison anyone lower then him... which happens to be everyone but the queen.

Coral: Are you saying Kai is fluffy, Inky?

Aqua: You have to admit, he is a bit of a kid.

Sapphire: Who cares about looks? I just want to smash his face against some rocks until his skull cracks in two!

Aqua: I like how you think, stranger, but I'm afraid we'd get caught before we even reached his face. He has... devoted bodyguards.

Sapphire: Don't ruin the story with facts!

Coral: Speaking of which, it appears he sees us...

Some of the S.A.L.T gang members started swimming over to where they were, and the one called Kai seemed particular pleased to see them.

Kai (black penguin): Well well well. Look who we have here. If it isn't the duel-blooded gang!

Aqua: Says the mud-loving bird who can't throw a spear at his own foot!

Kai: Jagged jaw!

Aqua: Fluffy face!

Kai: Sand swimmer!

Aqua: Myth Maniac!

Kai: Kelp creep!

Aqua: Lousy little-... Curses! I didn't prepare enough insults!

Coral: If you've quite finished your daily chat with our enemy, Aqua, we're going.

The red shark rolled her eyes in annoyance and followed Coral and Ink away from the raiders. Sapphire didn't know what to do, so she tagged along after them.

Sapphire: What was that all about?

Ink: Whenever Aqua and Kai meet face to face, they throw as many insults at each other as they can before one of us drags them apart.

Aqua: It was just getting good!

Coral: One of these days you'll go too far, and we'll probably all end up fighting S.A.L.T...

Ink: Let's just go home for now. We can worry about that later!

Sapphire: Aren't you forgetting something?

The Sea Creatures stared blankly at Sapphire before realizing what she was talking about.

Coral: Oh yeah! Um, that... well...

Ink: We can do that later, ok?

Sapphire: ... I am not happy with the current situation.

Aqua: Just chill for a bit. Your cousin isn't going to be harmed, and they wont disappear if we don't do something. So why don't you come to my house and explain how you got into this mess?

Sapphire: I'd rather take action, but it looks like I haven't got much choice...


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