Tuesday, March 29, 2016

B4 Ch3 Ocean Palace -part2

A few days later, without getting much information about anything, Sapphire was lounging around on the sandy floor with Fang and Barak.

Barak: ... Why are we here again?

Sapphire: It's been three days, and we still haven't found anything useful! I'm drowning our sorrows in salt water.

Barak: .... Ok...

Sapphire sighed and got up. Fang swam over to her, and waved his arms about like crazy.

Sapphire: What is it, Fang? Have you run out of edible food?

Fang: Yes, but also there happens to be a white shark watching us!

Sapphire quickly turned around, but only saw Silver trying to hide.

Sapphire: Not a shark, but a familiar otter friend.

Silver darted out of the seaweed and approached Sapphire with caution.

Silver: H-hi, Sapphire...

Fang: (What's wrong with him?)

Sapphire: (I guess he's a bit jumpy.) Anyway... What are you doing here, Silver?

Silver: Hiding.

Barak: From who?

Silver: ... Everyone except you?

Fang drifted over to Barak, who looked curiously at the albino otter. Silver brightened up by trying to make conversation.

Silver: Wave was really surprised to see that you manged to find some Cloud crystals!

Sapphire: I noticed, although I'm not sure why - it was easy getting them!

Silver: And meerons are talking about you, Sapphire! They think you're some kind of sea witch, capable of amazing things!

Sapphire: Well, they aren't wrong about that!

Silver: I bet even the queen knows about you by now! After all, her son had BlackBlood, so she must've been pleased when she got a cure for him!

Sapphire: That's nice. At least I've done some good while I'm here.

Barak: Queen? Like the ones on the Gr-

Fang stabbed one of his legs into Barak's neck, hoping that would make him stop talking.

Fang: Why yes, Barak. Just like the queen's in GoldRing Reef, but I'm sure this one is far prettier.

Silver: You're right about that! Although, maybe our queen is a bit... vicious.

Silver looked wildly around before swimming off and out of sight. Fang tapped Barak's head in a rhythmic beat.

Fang: Weird kid, that shark.

Sapphire: You need glasses, Fang. That was clearly an otter.

Barak: I thought he was seal with legs!

Sapphire gave a sigh of disappointment. She only looked up when Fang gave the suggestion...

Fang: Maybe we should meet this queen?

Sapphire rolled her eyes at the red spider, wondering if he was serious.

Sapphire: Are you kidding? I've had enough time with royalty to last me for a long time. Who knows what business we could end up in if we try and do a friendly visit!

Barak: Are you sure?

Sapphire: Positive. Besides, what would I gain from it, besides a headache?

Fang thought for a moment before jumping off of Barak and swimming towards the blue kangaroo. He slowly made his answer, unsure if this was a safe idea or not.

Fang: ... The whereabouts of Ruby?

Sapphire stood still for a few seconds before grabbing the spider and looking him in the eye.

Sapphire: How could she know that?

Fang: Didn't you say you heard from some sea creatures that they heard that their queen has Vampire slaves? What would be better then tracking down one of the bigger clients and getting direct information?

Sapphire: I don't know...

Barak: It couldn't hurt to look!

Sapphire thought for a moment longer before deciding.

Sapphire: ... Right. Let's go and see this queen, then.

Barak: You mean it?

Sapphire: Yeah. We'll see if she knows something about Ruby or not.

Fang: And if they don't let us in?

Sapphire: Who said they had too? Come on, Barak. Let's find a place fit for royalty!

Barak enthusiastically grabbed hold of Sapphire before powering off to find a palace.

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