Thursday, March 24, 2016

B4 Ch3 Ocean Palace -part1

Just as Sapphire was about to leave and go exploring, Wave found her. He stopped her and politely asked...

Wave: Mysterious girl! Can I have a moment of your time?

Sapphire: Sure. Name it!

Wave: Do you happen to have any more Cloud Crystals? While we understand if you can't, there just isn't enough for everyone.

Sapphire sighed and turned around, starting to swim back up to the surface... again...

Wave: Where are you going?

Sapphire: Getting more crystals for you.No matter how boring the task may be...

Wave: Well, when you get more, you can find me in the Marble Library.


Sapphire was about to head back to the island, when she noticed something streaking towards her at top speeds. She darted out of the way just as it reached her. The thing kept going and crashed into the sand, creating a cloud covering everything.

Barak: ... Ow.

Sapphire: Barak? Is that you?

Fang: And me!

Barak sprang up from the sand cloud, and Sapphire noticed Fang was with him.

Barak: It took a long time to track you down-

Fang: Ten minutes, Fang. It took ten minutes to find Seatopia.

Sapphire: Ten minutes? It makes me at least half an hour to get down here! How can you get here so quickly?

Fang: Little Barak here happens to be a Champion, Sapphire.

Sapphire: Yeah, you're right. I guess I shouldn't be that surprised. Oh, and... Barak, can you go and get some more of those crystals? The public of Seatopia demands it!

Barak: Ok!

Fang drifted off the green Dragon's back and latched onto Sapphire. With a powerful beat of his wings, Barak raced back to the surface.


Meanwhile, Sapphire found the S.E.A gang and decided to try and get more information about S.A.L.T.

Sapphire: Hey, creatures of the sea.

Aqua: Oh, there you are! I've been wondering where you'd gotten too! Coral was just telling us about what happened last night!

Ink: About S.A.L.T!

Sapphire looked confused, but was also interested.

Aqua: You didn't hear?

Sapphire: How could I? I just got here.

Coral: Apparently S.A.L.T tried to take the forbidden treasure down in  the Deep Blue!

Sapphire: Forbidden treasure?

Ink: A treasure that's forbidden.

Sapphire: So I guessed, but why is it forbidden?

Aqua: Meeron's (our word for Sea Creature's) are saying that a dangerous monster is protecting it!

Fang: Why?

Aqua: I don't know. Probably something really valuable, I guess?

Coral: I bet S.A.L.T thought they could outsmart it, and take the treasure as their own.

Ink: Well, too bad for them! Because we're the ones who are going to get past that monster and take the treasure as our own!

Sapphire shook her head and left them to their excited chatter. Fang obviously seemed excited.

Fang: A monster? Sounds like fun!

Sapphire: Yeah, but we've got something else to do, so that will have to wait.

Fang: Are you sure?  Couldn't we even just take a look?

Sapphire: No. We have to find Ruby!

Fang: Who says we have too?

Sapphire: You're her pet, so shouldn't that mean you're, oh I don't know, loyal to her?

Fang: I'm not a pet, I'm a... freelance spider who just wants a little food and shelter!

Sapphire: My point has been made. You could run away, but you don't.

Fang: I have no home to go to! I see no point.

Sapphire sighed but said nothing. She didn't care anymore, and just wanted to see Ruby.

Fang: ... Oh, look! Barak's back!

Sapphire looked up to see a Dragon swimming towards them carefully, carrying a fair bit of crystals. He dropped to the stone floor, scattering Cloud Crystals at Sapphire's feet.

Barak: I'm back! It took longer getting back....

Sapphire: It doesn't matter. You saved me the long trip back up! So... Thanks!

Barak: No problem!

Fang swam back over to Barak, while Sapphire picked up the shining crystals.

Sapphire: I'll go and find that dolphin and give these crystals to him. You guys go and have fun, but make sure you don't destroy the entire town.

Fang: Who, us?

Barak: We wouldn't dream of doing such a thing!

Fang: ... On purpose, anyway.

Sapphire: Well, I don't really care, but Ruby probably would.

Fang: I wonder where Ruby and Midnight and Cole and Misae and-

Sapphire: And everyone else is.

Fang: Yeah! Them, too.


  1. Maybe it's the Dragon you wrote about before?

    1. Mmm, yeah. I'd say it's a high chance they're talking about Hydra.
