Thursday, March 3, 2016

B4 Ch1 extra

Meanwhile, above the salty waters of the ocean and high above in the clouds...


Barak: Fang, we lost the boat!

Barak the Dragon, along with Fang the spider (Ruby's pet), were confused upon where on earth the ship that was carrying their friends had gotten to.

And Barak was starting to panic....

Barak: We can't have gotten lost, could we Fang?

Fang: No, I don't think so, hatchling...

Barak: Do you think something happened to them?

Fang: How am I suppose to know? I'm just a poor useless spider!

Barak: You are not!

Fang: Have you taken a good look at me lately?

Barak: Well, yes... But-... You're not!

Fang sighed patted his one of his feet against Barak's scales.

Fang: Yes, I am. Now don't argue with your elder and land somewhere - Maybe your theory is right, and something did happen while we are away...

The green Dragon slowly dived through the clouds, and landed on a nearby island. Fang scurried down his tail and jumped into the soft warm sand.

Barak: Where are they, Fang?

Fang: If we knew that, we wouldn't have lost them.

Barak: Suppose the ship sank?

Fang: ... Maybe. But by what?

Barak: A raging octopus?

Fang: Don't be silly, Barak. I highly doubt it was an octopus!

Barak: Sharks?

Fang: Probably not.

Barak: ... Aren't there any Sea Creatures in the area?

Fang: Possibly. But even if they are some, it's not in their nature to attack passing ships...

Fang thought hard for about a minute before speaking again.

Fang: ... I think we should investigate.

Barak: How?

Fang: You're a Dragon, so you have gills to survive underwater for at least a few hours!

Barak: What about you?

Fang cantered across the sandy beach until he picked up a small shell. He then scurried up a nearby coconut tree, ripping a piece of bark and jumping back down.

The spider then spat a glowing green poison onto the shell, and pointed to the wood.

Fang: Create a small yellow ember, please.

Barak: How?

The spider sighed and tapped one of his arms to his chest.

Fang: It's a bit hard to explain, but basically you need to feel some kind of warm spark in your chest, right on top of your heart. Then take a deep breath, and blow slowly...

Barak: How do I get this feeling?

Fang: I'm not a Dragon, so how would I know?

Barak thought for a bit before taking a deep breath and breathed gently onto the piece of bark. A little yellow flame formed. Fang put the small shell on to of it, and waited.

Barak: Uh... Why are we doing this?

Fang: I'll need a protective charm if we're going to explore the ocean properly.

Barak: You know how to make one?

Fang: No.

Barak: Uh... sorry, but it looks like you do.

Fang: I don't. I just remember Grandma telling me how to make a sea charm, so I'm trying to copy her instructions...

Barak: But you don't need a sea charm!... Don't you?

Fang: I'm a spider. Spiders are meant to stay in trees, bushes, houses and burrows. We do not belong in the sea!

Barak: Oh.

Fang: ... It's almost sunset. It's dangerous to go into the sea at night.

Barak: Why's that?

Fang: Because whatever took everyone on that ship, is probably waiting for another victim. It's better to be safe then sorry.

Barak: Ok. So... Should we...?

Fang: Yes, you may get something to eat.

Barak: Yay!

The green Dragon bounded off happily in search for something to eat.


I thought you'd like to know where Barak was... So, basically, he and Fang were scouting ahead to check where they were going, and... yeah. When they returned, no ship in sight.

And what's this? Fang is actually smart enough to know how to create a Sea charm? Convenient...

 ... This looked a lot better in my mind, but meh. I love drawing cute Barak, sitting by a small fire in hopes of gaining great knowledge from the all powerful Fang the spider!

... Ok, maybe not, but still cute.