Thursday, March 10, 2016

B4 Ch2 Salty Sickness -part 1 and a half(ish)

Meanwhile, somewhere in a deep dungeon...


In the middle of the ocean, deep within a dark, dark cave, rested a Dragon in a dream-like sleep. This Dragon had been living under the sea for generations, protecting a sacred treasure, of little importance to her - she only kept it because a friend had asked her nicely.

All of a sudden, a young otter swam in, fear on his face as he tried to wake the Dragon without enraging her. "Master Hydra, ruler over the many seas, and protector of The Gem? I h-hate to disturb you, b-but... There are some u-uninvited g-g-guests in the cave...".

The dozy Dragon lazily got up and the otter darted out of her way. Hydra, with only a few flaps of her wings whooshed through the cave, and towards the supposed intruders.
It didn't take long to find them - even if her senses had dulled with time, she could feel them shaking in their thin skin - and clawed them out of a small hiding hole (a bad choice, for the old Dragon knew every crack inside this cave)

With a low growl, the winged serpent glared at the impostors, and asked with a hiss, "What are you doing here, in my den?" She noted with boredom that the Sea Creatures were shivering with fright, even if they carried pretty decent weapons that might dent her tough scales.

One of the intruders, a black penguin, spoke up nervously. "W-we came here t-t-to, uh... take a look at your t-treasure? We hear it's beautiful, so we wanted to check for ourselves!". Hydra wondered what kind of fool would tell such an obvious lie. Didn't they know that creatures like them, over thousands of years, have asked the same question with the same intentions? She knew their kind, but she decided to play with them a little.

"Why do you want to take a look at my prized possession?" She sweetly drawled. She flexed her claws, and continued in a honeyed voice, "There are far greater prizes in the ocean, of much more gleam and shine then my jewel could ever compare to...". She moved her tail ever so slightly, making the Sea Creatures wince.

When they did not answer her, Hydra cast her hypnotic like eyes on their 'leader', and breathed coolly onto him, small ice crystals started forming in his fur. She sighed and whispered to the petrified penguin, "Did you only come here to look?" She gave a sad sigh as all three of the creatures nodded almost instantly. She snapped her jaws at them impatiently.
"You lie," she growled. "You came here to steal from me.", she stated. At those words, the three Sea Creatures swam as fast as they could away from her, back where they came from.

The otter, after seeing the impostors disappear from view, gave a questioning glance at the ancient Dragon. He was about to speak, but Hydra already guessed what his question was going to be, and she dully said, "You're wondering why I didn't kill them? They were merely Hatchlings, and have a lot of life left in them yet. Besides, I wasn't hungry."

The Dragon slowly swam back to where her treasure lay, and sighed deeply, wondering when someone who deserved it would come by and claim it as their own, before she was nothing more then the cool current and bubbles.


What's this? Another Dragon has made it's appearance? Well, it's not that surprising. After the "Grey Islands" adventure (with all it's war-hungry kings), I think a Dragon would be the best guard dog for a precious object of great value (even if it doesn't have the power to destroy an entire race)

Plus, I really needed more time with Sapphire's end of the story. Seriously.

Also, I had a blast writing this - It came clearly, and It's still technically a 'post'.
... Fine. Back to Script writing next week...
(although, it's not as fun...)


  1. AMAZING drawing of a dragon! So cool! Also, feel free to write your posts however you like!

    As Hibiki Tachibana always says... "Heiki, hechara-desu!" (It's fine, everything's fine!)

    1. I haven't been paying much attention to what part I'm up in the current chapters... I'll change it when my brain starts working again.
