Monday, December 26, 2016

Christmas Post the second - Santa Midnight

Hello. Here's another picture I promised. It's Midnight dressed up as Santa Claus, just like last year!

Yes. That is indeed a bomb.

... I can see him giving out live explosives to random strangers, grinning and shouting 'Merry Christmas' while running away at top speeds.


  1. Aha... good luck to those unfortunate random strangers that accidentally and unknowingly bumped into a seemingly adorable holiday terrorist on the supposedly merriest day of the year. *Praying that they survive to get bombed again next year*

    How do you add teeth to a character without making it look weird? My characters are always more or less toothless XD

    1. Uh... Good question! I have no idea how to answer that. It's just... yeah, I really don't know how to explain it. Teeth are teeth. Not easy, nor hard, quite fun to draw, and essential for eating food. What can I say?

      ... That didn't help you in the slightest, so all I can say is 'experimenting is the key'. :)
