Saturday, December 17, 2016

Wish you were here...

I forced myself to practice drawing buildings and lights, along with snow 'n stuff... 
Not too shabby, if I'm allowed to say so myself!

Snowflakes falling from clouds so high
and ghosts of past plague my mind
Singing, chanting the songs of old years
they laugh at me as I shed my silent tears

A little depressing, but without context I guess it doesn't make that much sense to you guys... Oh well. I'm sure I'll let the story about Sapphire's family slip eventually! 


  1. Waahh!! Really good job with the buildings and lights and snow and stuff >< (some of the things that I really can't draw... I'm still sadly keeping away from backgrounds and limiting myself to characters T_T It doesn't usually get in my way, but it does bother me how I'm "handicapped" (as my brother calls it) when it comes to drawing such things)

    Guess what? I didn't have anything more important to do the other day, so I decided to do a re-drawing of Chiyuki's character sheet. I think I've improved a bit since the last time I did it... though the body proportions are quite off. Probably a result of drawing too many chibis. (BTW, I was just thinking that it'd be cool if we could see you draw a chibi even for once! I mean, it'd be great to get to know your chibi style ^v^ I understand if you're not exactly interested in chibis though... I'm trying to keep away from them right now myself. They're contagious towards normal drawings.)

    And by the way! (Sorry for this really lengthy comment... I promise that I'd try to keep this short.) Thanks for the advice regarding the water puddle the last time. I also felt that it was more like the frog girl was standing on it instead of in it, but didn't know how to fix it -.-'' Maybe I'll try again some time! :D Now, to end this very long wordy-thing!

    1. As much as I hate drawing hands, I force myself into it to learn and become more comfortable with it. Same with backgrounds, now that I think about it... Buildings, trees, benches, water, space, etc... um, anyway.

      I guess I could give it a shot... It would give me another challenge to do, plus, I need the experience in 'cute stuff'. After I've finished the Christmas Comic special (and anything else that's a higher priority than freelance drawing, and if I remember) I'll try chibi style!

      And another word of advice - take every criticism you get with a pinch of salt. I have next to no idea what I'm talking about when I'm suggesting flaws in your work; this is just what I'm seeing, not what's probably there.
      And if your ok with it, can I just enjoy the art you create and avoid the helpful criticism? No need to comment back. I'm assuming you're going to be ok with my request, so... yeah. Thanks! :)
