Saturday, December 10, 2016

Winter Mage (redo)

HI! Do any of you remember this picture? (HERE)

Well... I decided to redraw it just to see how much I had improved in digital drawing since last year, and it turns out quite a lot!
(what a surpise)

See for yourself!

... Still no idea how aurora's work, but I suppose I'll get better. In a few years.


  1. Waahhh, that's so much improvement O_O Ehh, I think that the aurora is fine though... definitely much better than me ^^"

    Can you try drawing rain and puddles next time? I did it the other day, but it turned out really bad T_T It's over here:

    Also, (in my opinion, at least) I think that the snow should be a bit... I don't know, fluffier... because though it looks good I somehow feel that it looks like salt... or maybe it's just me, hehe.

    1. Hmm... I'll see what I can do! I hardly ever do rain, let alone puddles and lakes, so I guess it'll give me something new to try!

      And nonsense! We're both inexperienced artists, but that doesn't mean we're 'bad'.
      In your picture, the puddle seems mostly solid, instead of wet. The frog girl also seems to be standing on the puddle instead of in it, and the shadow isn't distorted, or 'rippling', as I like to put it.

      But I like the way you highlighted it! I can see where the light comes from, not to mention the girl is really cute! To me it looks like a mix between Chibi and Anime, and the angle you chose to draw it in is good too!

      Also took a look at your art gallery. Amazing job on the cute factor! <3

      Keep drawing! I'm looking forward to seeing more of your work! :)
