Thursday, June 23, 2016

Fraener's Past (APS) Pg6


So now we know Fraener and Borvo's less hidden secret. They are orphans who also happen to be mix-bloods!

... And fire is really hard to draw. Just putting it out there.


  1. Your moon and your fire is magnificent.

    I like these visual (cinematic?) techniques you've been using. Well done!

  2. Oh... But, what kind of mix-blood is Fraener? I mean, he's half-dragon half-...?

    And, dear Fraener, he probably doesn't envy you for being a mix-blood... But he might envy you for Bindy's attention, even if it's just friendship!

    P.S. About what you said in the last post... Is this comic... RELATED to Ruby and Co.? Are they going to merge at some point?

    1. In the Dragon clans, a Mix-blood means your parents came from different clans. In this case, Fraener and Borvo are part SoulSun, and part some other clan of which I cannot (and will not) name at the moment.

      And in theory, yes. Ruby and Co. will eventually come across the Dragon clans, but... I have no idea how yet. Please hold your horses until then.

    2. OH... I get it ^.^

      So, umm, UV is eventually becoming a comic, when they do come across the dragon clans? Just curious, cos that'll be cool.

    3. In all honesty, I have no clue. But hopefully after the next adventure (not Seatopia, but after Ruby and friends fix whatever problem is on ShadowWhisper Island)... But don't take my word for it.

  3. Hai ^.^ Umm, Apple, I was wondering if you could... err... try taking a look at this? Please? Thanks.

    (Okay, yes. I was just hoping that you could check it out, and perhaps give me your view and some advice on how to improve it. Yup. I know that I did really bad just quitting the story halfway the last time, but... please? Thanks a bunch.)
