Tuesday, June 28, 2016

Fraener's Past (APS) Pg8


... Who wants to bet how this turns out?


  1. They're... going to fight? Fraener and Wayra? COOL! I'm... not exactly sure how to bet on this, but, right from the first chapter, I have a nagging feeling that this isn't going to be to good...

    P.S. This is something that I don't understand in most stories. Why do the good guys always listen to the bad when they ask them to go out to some (probably) deserted/mysterious place alone? Or... am I missing something?

    1. The 'good guys' only do what the bad guys tell them to because otherwise there wouldn't be an interesting fight to watch... Even if they know it's a bad idea, the heroes do it anyway.

      And your right - this isn't going to end well for the comic. But maybe Ruby and co. can make it up later on... Although this happened a hundred years or so ago, but Dragons do live a long time...
