Tuesday, June 7, 2016

Fraener's Past Map

... My comic has a name now. I guess I could've just posted Fraener's Past as a script story, but I wanted this to be a little special, seeing this is the first comic I've made that's more then two pages long.

So... How about a map of the place that we're going to be exploring in with our young Dragons friends?

Do any of you remember Hydra mentioning Dragon Clans? I bet not, but this Island is the home to the SoulSun Clan... Or at least the younger part of it.

Unlike the other two Dragon clans, SoulSun Dragons like to have their young isolated from the more mature family members until they reach of age.

The older Dragons live in the volcano in the background.

... And I also found out today that I hate drawing clouds. And smoke. And snowflakes, but I've already mention that....

1 comment:

  1. I hate drawing hands. And feet. And arms and legs. A lot. But I like drawing hair and eyes, and I'm trying to get better at hands and feet. (I don't know whether I dislike drawing clouds or smoke or snow. I hardly ever draw the background. Even when I do, it's not detailed, so when it comes to clouds, I just use white (digital) watercolour (with low opacity) and brush over it. It kinda works, at least to *my* standard of "acceptable art".)
