Sunday, June 26, 2016

Fraener's Past (APS) Pg7


... Yes, there is such thing as mail in the Dragon Clans. Only they use stone (because paper is too fragile) wrapped up in seaweed, and in order to open it, they set it on fire (Or whatever kind of special Dragon breath they have).

If only we could do that with our bills...


  1. THEY SET THEIR MAIL ON FIRE! I'll remember to do that the next time a letter comes from the bank... to my parents.

    Oh, and BTW, who's Blazer?

    1. It's a little hard to explain, but in short there are Dragon classes in the world of UV, and depending what kind of fire a Dragon has, that's what class they fall into...

      For example, there are Blazers (normal fire), Cracklars (they spew out electricity), Plasma Users (It's in the name ), etc.

  2. Then again, I feel sorry for the mail dragon. He must go around transporting rocks all the time...

    1. Dragons are the strongest magical-blooded creature in this world. A few stone slabs wouldn't be a problem for them to carry around, I imagine...

    2. Strong enough to move a pebble :)
