Thursday, June 30, 2016

Fraener's Past (APS) Pg9


... I don't think Bindy believes Fraener.


I'm taking a week off of FP, just to catch up on pages (because I've had a busy few weeks spending time with family in the Land of Apples, and I don't think I'll be able to get the next six pages done in three days).

But if I find time, you might (keep that in mind) see some more detailed pictures of the main Dragon Cast!


  1. I see... I thought that I didn't see as much of you online these days. By the way, what is the land of apples? (Sorry. Poor general knowledge over here. I tried checking it up, but didn't get much helpful information...)

    I'm just bored these few days. Nothing better to do than homework, really. Sigh.

    1. "The land of Apples" is usually known as Tasmania. It could also be the land of Chocolate, Cheese, Icy roads of Death... But I think they had the best Apple juice in the world, so I nicknamed it that. They also had the best Apple and Raspberry juice, but that's beside the point! :)

  2. PS: I just realised, Borvo is really cute.

  3. Have fun with family! Great comic so far! :)

    (Also, I'll get to work on CS soon-I lost my Adobe Flash and need it to access AJ)
