Thursday, November 5, 2015

Bk2 Ch.7 Sapphire's plan -part3 and a bit

Sorry for the lack of posts guys. A bit of Writers block, I guess... and this is what I could come up with. Sorry if it's boring, but at least I'll post a picture on Saturday!

Ruby: So you had a plan? What was it then?

Barak steadily dragged their prisoner along beside Midnight, who was having trouble keeping up with the others.

Sapphire: I thought I could destroy them on the inside out - blast out a few valuable things, and stuff like that.

Midnight: So it was a failure then?

Sapphire: I couldn't stay in there long enough - Barak ruined it a bit, and I had to get the REAL Sunshine out - as you've noticed.

???: No need to rub it in...

Ruby: Doesn't matter. We've wasted time a lot of time, and we have to speed it up!

Midnight tripped over a stone and crashed to the ground. The green cheetah laughed out loud at Midnight.

???: Wow, way to show grace to our kind, blacky!

Sapphire: Hey, no one else calls him that except me! Barak, please hit her for me, I can't reach from over here.

???: I'd like to see you try, traitor!

Sapphire: Well... we'll see who's laughing when we win this stupid war!

Ruby: Yeah, because if we don't there's a high chance of us getting kicked off permanently.

???: Really? That's not what they said when I signed up...

Midnight: Oh THIS IS DRIVING ME NUTS!!! Ok, cabbage cat. From now on you'll be known as Leaf!

Leaf (green cheetah): ... What?

Sapphire: Yeah, with a name like that you're destined to be eaten by a bug.

Ruby: While I agree we should start giving her a name (since she refuses to tell us), we should be serious about the matter.

Leaf: That's far too close for my liking...

Midnight: Lighten up a little, Ruby.

Ruby: ... Let's just continue, we're almost to the Dalin Solin Moutain.

Leaf: Uh, English translation?

Barak: Dark Sun mountain. I think it's suppose to be impossible to find for everyone except Dragons, like me!

Leaf: Ah... thanks for clearing that up. I'm sure thousands of UnMythics would love to have known that.


Sapphire: ... New plan! It involves getting Leaf thrown off a mountain into a lava pool! And then getting something to eat.

Leaf: You really are a barbarian!

Ruby: Seriously, Sapphire?

Sapphire: Maybe, but I'm really hungry. What time is it?

Leaf: Gimme back my device and I'll tell you.

Midnight: Nah, those things are often wrong. Besides, you'll just call for help.

Sapphire: So he thinks.

Ruby: No, as I said we're almost there. We just have to cross a bridge and head skywards.

Midnight & Sapphire: And then can we have lunch?

Sunshine said nothing, but patted Echo the strange bat.

Ruby: *sigh*... Yes, and then we can have a bit of a break.

Sapphire didn't argue any further. She merely hurried Midnight along, and Barak excitedly followed after them - dragging Leaf along with him.


  1. Lunch = Sandwhiches! ^^

  2. Is Leaf an Unmythic? (And Sapphire is acting more barbaric the usual...)

    1. Yup. She was disguised as Sunshine, but for whatever reason we don't know yet.

    2. Ok, just making sure she wasn't some other magical creature.
